So, I made a right pig’s ear of the whole collar bit of this pattern! The collar didn’t want to go on correctly, didn’t match up where it should on neckline, the curves looked completely different. I think I was just not careful or accurate enough with my cutting out and stitching curves. I eventually wrestled it into submission and it’s on- though sulking a bit and refusing to match exactly where it should at the back. And no, I am NOT taking it off again, I just won’t let people stand behind my granddaughter. Any tips for next time, ladies? Oh yeah- and I had to use a million pins to practically put dress together before I could work out how to attach bodice to back skirt. At one point, my granddaughter was going to have to wear the skirt inside out at the back and right side out at the front if I hadn’t stopped for a cup of tea and a much needed shortbread biscuit. Linda