Oliver + S

patterns for teens

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    Rachee @Rachee

    where can i find patterns for teens????????

    Nicole @motherof5

    It is a tricky time with a huge gap in the pattern market.

    Burda do a very groovy line but the instructions can be a bit lacking and things tend to be very cropped.

    Deer&Doe make lovely patterns with teeny sizes but they are a bit dressy for your average teen.

    Of course the lovely Liesl+Co pattern have small sizing but may be a bit sophisticated as well, the Metro Tee is a great wardrobe starter though.


    Lisette have some Little Lisette patterns https://oliverands.com/category/lisette-patterns.html

    I ended up using a lot of vintage Big4 patterns I picked up cheaply on Ebay. I would go ‘O+S’ with the instructions.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Ottobre Design is hands down my favorite source for teen sized sewing patterns.

    Robin @Robin

    Have you seen Thread Theories new pant pattern. They have side pockets and look like a grown up version of the field trip cargo pants.


    Tamara @justsewit

    Robin those pants are now on my list – seeing as we went shopping for “work pants” for my 9 year old in the men’s section yesterday! I had no idea this pattern existed until now!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Tamara, the Jutland pants are BRAND new! Just posted a couple days ago…and on sale thru November 5! ;-). I think I’ll end up getting it and sewing it up later.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks for the heads up on the Jupland! I’ve been wanting a cargo pattern for a boy who has outgrown Oliver and S. These look fantastic!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oooh, those are snappy!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well I think I need to hop onto their mailing list or something! They would be perfect as a transition pair from the field trips – and would save time on upsizing!

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Wish I’d seen this when they were still on sale…those are the only kind of pants my DH wears and they’re tough to find in nicer fabrics.

    jax @capnjax

    I second the Ottobre mention. Also, if you are into Japanese sewing mooks, I love Cucito. They go up to 150cm. They even have special publications every so often for a particular type of garment.

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