Oliver + S

pajama cutting layouts and yardage

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    Liesl Gibson

    Quick question for all you Oliver + S fans:

    I’m working on the yardage estimates and cutting layouts for the new fall pajama pattern and would like to know your preference. I can do either one yardage estimate and cutting layout for the pj top and bottom together (one set of pjs) or one estimate and layout for the pants and one for the top. I don’t have enough room to do all three. What is your preference? I’m assuming you’d rather have one for the complete pjs, since it will probably save fabric?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Yes I think the combined would be the one I would want most often.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    While having one yardage for the two pieces together is nice, I actually prefer the separate information. That way, if I want to use a combination of fabrics, I have a better idea of how much fabric I will need for the separate pieces.

    I am sure which ever way you decide will be just fine.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I would prefer the combined yardage, as that’s what I would do the most.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Combined is great!

    I am a bear of little brain these days,the less sums the better!

    Thanks Liesl.

    TriMama @TriMama

    Combined please! I’m pretty sure that if you listed separate yardages for top and bottom and people just added them together to make pj’s with matching top and bottom we’d all end up buying too much fabric. I already have this problem so there’s no need to encourage me further ; )

    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    Combined set and pants alone are my vote! I will either be making a whole set or just extra pj pants to kick around in.

    ThirdMargaret @ThirdMargaret

    I agree that combined would be easier for the most conservative use of fabric.

    Nicole, I use that quote so often that all I have to say is “I am a bear…” and at least one of my children will finish, “of very little brain!”

    TwinMamaKnitter @TwinMamaKnitter

    I’m all for the combined!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Mine too Margaret!

    I swear feeding sucks your brain out through your boob!

    Robin @Robin

    Wondered where my brain went. : )

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