Oliver + S

Organising ribbon stash…

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    dare moi @dare moi

    What ideas are there for organising my ribbon stash cheaply?

    I have a tangled mess of ribbon, ric-rac, elastic and velcro in a box at the moment (well, at least they all together in the one box). Most of them are not on spools.

    I saw an idea today of winding them around old wooden clothes pegs, then pinning them.

    Any other ideas?


    xoxx s

    Nicole @motherof5

    I roll mine and secure with a rubber band.

    Robin @Robin

    I wind them around a recipe card (or glue 2 together if too flimsy) and file them in a box. The old cards from hem tape and ric rac are great because they are very sturdy.

    homefire @homefire

    I use the peg stele clothes pins and it works well for me. I don’t have a ton so it’s not hard to poke through my basket and see what I have. If you have a lot you might want to use the cards so you can file them properly.

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