Oliver + S

Not Nice!

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    Nicole @motherof5
    Nicole @motherof5

    whoops see previous page , shouldnt type while feeding baby!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Man, you folks are keeping it so real. The most dangerous thing in my neck of the woods is my grumpy neighbor.

    Anonymous @

    he he he Sarvi – good one. We have a nutty neighbor who is probably more worrisome than mountain lions! At least we have no sows – or cozzies, whatever those are

    LauraB @LauraB

    Hahaha! It would be fun to try to persuade you that a cozzie is a fearsome Australian beastie, but it is actually a swimming costume. I’m a transplant here from the UK, but I found it really interesting that different parts of Australia have different terms for a swimsuit – bathers, cozzie or swimmers, depending on where you are from!

    Justine J @justmejay

    I’m a Sydney-sider, so definately in the ‘cossie’ camp – but you forgot ‘togs’, Laura!! Are we the only crazy ones who have localised slang??

    No mountain lions or snakes here – but spiders aplenty! (Funnel webs & redbacks) – oh yeah, and those mozzies!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    You’re not the only ones with localized slang. Come to Texas, ask for a Coke, and the server will ask, “which kind?” Coke is our word for anything fizzy. Mosquitos are ‘skeeters, which is also sometimes Mesquite Barbeque. I frequently translate for my in-laws who don’t live anywhere close to here.

    Is there something about Australia that makes people want to shorten things? Barbie, cossie, mozzies, Aussies, postie, etc?

    Justine J @justmejay

    lol Johanna! And guess what – if something has a short name – we lengthen it!

    Anonymous @

    Well, you are all living “upside down” down there LOL. : )

    Nicole @motherof5

    We are just relaxed Jo , conserve our energy, why say a complete word when you can shorten it? Or finish a sentence when you can……………..

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