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    Tamara @justsewit

    Wishing your son a full and speedy recovery jennigirl. It is certainly scary not knowing what is going on when a loved one is sick – currently experiencing such with fil who is now constantly in and out of hospital.

    But living room drapes certainly sound like a plan. I need to make curtains for every room in this house as the weather is heating up and we are starting to rely on air conditioning.

    We have just returned from the local ag expo where we saw some light horseman and walked for what seemed like miles! My feet now feel fat so I have them up and am giving bump a chance to have a proper kick inside a still and not walking about mummy – and she is taking the opportunity with bells on.

    lattemama @lattemama

    I haven’t done much sewing lately even though I have desperately wanted to so I’d better stick to this thread for now.

    I handed in my overlocker to be serviced last week and got a call on Tuesday saying the bearings were all worn out in my 6 yo machine that was working when I dropped it off.

    Suffice it to say I was very surprised. It’s going to be very interesting to have a look at it in a few hours when I go to pick it up.

    In either case I may come away from there with a brand new coverlock/serger. I have put one on hold and was meant to pick it up today – we’ll see after they show me my old machine. Buying the coverlock was sort of dependent on whether I could sell my old one or not. Fingers crossed.

    The budget is strained as it is now that we have to buy a new dishwasher – after it breaking down three times this summer we have decided not to have it fixed again but to buy a new one. And even though I love to sew, I hate doing the dishes more so that takes first chair.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Since it was languishing, unworn in the cupboard, I decided to enter my daughter’s beaded deer jumper in the Royal Melbourne Show…..


    Woo hoo!

    JWo @JWo

    Congratulations on the blue ribbon!!

    That’s great that you have the opportunity to show off your work. I had no idea that the Royal Melbourne Show also featured craft. Our A&P (agriculture and produce) show doesn’t seem to have much in the way of craft events etc but, then again, I haven’t been to the show for about 30+years….

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thanks J. Very jealous of your holiday, not sure how I didn’t get a gig as bag carrier and French translator.

    The art and craft at the show is amazing. The quilts and the woodwork take your breath away. There’s an incredible woodwork MG roadster that is the most perfect scale model. And then the cakes, they are unbelievable!! There was a black and white speckled hen that won second prize as a cake but I think could have done just as well if not better in the poultry competition.

    We have a work connection, so have the luxury of going often and for brief periods (and for free). It can be a huge day out for many people.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Shelley, I am so sorry!

    Congratulations, I clicked through to your photo and then a little person required attention.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I know the conversation was a couple of weeks ago, but I’m going to add my birth story from Friday 🙂 Beautiful baby girly M arrived on Friday 4 days late. Had to have a hospital birth due to heavy bleeding after my older daughter Lady E was born, which wasn’t really what I wanted. Managed to do most of my labour at home. After being advised not to go to hospital as my labour wasn’t really that advanced, I knew that it was and we had to make a bit of a dash. I made it there desperately trying not to push on the way, and M was birth 2.5 hours later, having had two paracetamol and gas and air. Labour slowed down quite a lot when I got to hospital which was frustrating but did allow me to catch my breath! Completely different to my extremely long labour, epidural, forceps, episiotomy etc with Lady E, and so much easier to recover from this time. The down side, breastfeeding isn’t working so have to go back into hospital tomorrow for lactation advice and to get a posterior tongue tie check, hopefully that will sort itself out quickly and I will be in a little less boob pain! Still running on adrenalin, and now wish I had motivated myself to sew M something to wear, but, well, I didn’t so there’s no point dwelling on that!

    Nicole @motherof5


    Up doing a night feed and on my phone

    Love to you, you clever girl!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Flickr mail me if you would like to chat about feeding


    Tamara @justsewit

    Congratulations dubhels! Healthy mummy healthy baby equals successful delivery. Feeding isn’t easy – I remember my crash course. But so many ladies give up as do some babies need help to know what to do. I am glad you are getting assistance. Its the part I actually enjoy the most about having a small baby.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Congratulations! Another great birth story.

    Definitely get the tongue tie checked out asap. Audrey’s tongue tie resulted in me having 10 bouts of mastitis in 16 months (including 3 hospital admissions). I thought it was me, but I have been very lucky and only had one bout with Josephine.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Just a quick bump so our chit chat doesn’t overtake the sewing thread. Don’t want anybody to miss out on exciting news because it’s hidden in a thread with an unrelated name.

    We’re having a heat wave and I’m so disappointed as I’d hoped for a chance to add the Art Museum at the Art Museum when we go tomorrow. Ah well. Our local museum offers a free membership for every child under 18, and it includes a pass for a single accompanying adult (who needn’t be the parent). It’s a great deal. Lots of fun stuff coming up, including some neat textile exhibits. Will report back with anything that might be of interest to this crowd!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have not been to the museum for years, we should again. When we go to the city it is generally just for the day.

    I am a little envious, I will admit.

    Tilly learnt to drive the auto 4 wheeler today and helped Hugo move lambs all the way from the back of the farm.

    So cute.

    Tamara @justsewit

    We have the Da vinci machine exhibition showing at the nearest museum at the moment. It ends next week and we still haven’t gotten there.

    We were shearing last week and N had a friend over to play (his dad was actually doing the shearing). Having not actually seen us class the ewes the kids were in our little box thing (like a crate without a bottom) that we put each sheep in to look at and decipher whoch breeding group to put them in. He was playing the “farmer” and the kids were the sheep. He did quite a spot on job of guessing what the whole procedure was about but it was a bit hilarious to watch.

    I had the little friend telling me his big brother was helping in the shed and “that he was getting paid!” I said Of course he was and that he wouldn’t do it if it were a “love job”. Next thing you know, the little guy picked up a broom and started sweeping, hoping he’s get paid also. N’s likes manning the wool press and pressing the buttons to make the bales. Love when the kids help out.

    We had a birthday over the weekend. Darling daughter turned 12! Unfortunately not all the family could make it for lunch – fil was in hospital having his stomach drained. It was sad to not have him there but it is something we all have to get used to from now on. We have a matter of weeks to months with him but my sil told me he has a goal of making it to early January when he can make the first wedding anniversary. At least he has a goal.

    I had an out of the blue phone call from a childhood friend the other day and he came to have lunch with us yesterday. I told him some fifteen years ago when I last saw him that he is related to my husband and it has only just recently dawned on him that I was in fact correct! So we talked for hours about family and where we all fit and what branch etc – his grandfather was my hubby’s paternal grandmother’s cousin. He went and had a bit of a chat with fil not so long ago and helped to perk him up a bit – fil loves talking about his family.

    More visitors arriving tomorrow to spend some time with us. I love staying home on the school holidays for this reason.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    OOh Babies and Blue Ribbons. What lovely news!

    Hope the feeding goes better/well. I know for some women nursing is very important. For others, it is something to try and, still others can’t stand it. I hope whatever camp you are in, you find joy and success.

    That beaded jumper is ah-maz-ing!!

    I am beginning to plan the little one’s birthday party. She is between Christmas and New Years. Turning 5. She’s never had a birthday party before, but now that she’s in school, I have a pool of guests! (She spent all her time at home with my mother. She’s just since September exposed to peers.) I need to get it all in order before the whirlwind of the holidays overtakes me and I am behind the 8 ball.

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