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11 years ago LINK
Sarvi @Sarvi
I assume that no RSVP=No. In fact I now sometimes ask people to just let me know if they *can* make it. I tend to cut parents a little more slack, kids these days have such full calendars and parental brain space can come up a bit short at times.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I was willing to put a little notice in our local community “paper” about what RSVP really means in order to let those parents know I am not amused in any way shape or form but I had a phone call from the mother of our only party attendee saying she spoke to the mother of another invitee who on finding out there was an invitation was really quite shocked and went searching through the school bag to look for it, claiming she didn’t get one. Apparently she was genuinely shocked when she found out her kids had been invited and there was no invitation in the bag at all.
The problem there is that when my son took the invitations to school, he was told by the teacher that she wasn’t going to give them out because there wasn’t one for every kid and according to Noah didn’t suggest anything as an alternative. So he came home with them where I suggested that he put them in the kids bags himself.
This is where the mistake might’ve come in. He could have put it in the wrong bag. But I do know that some children did get their invitation because I had those rsvp’s. Maybe it was t passed onto the parents? I just really needed the teacher to help out with putting them in the bags seeing as she knows that a party is something that hasn’t happened yet and it really was crucial for his social standing at school to get it right.
I will do things differently. Maybe have a re run party during term or something because I do know that some kids did want to come. I have known most of these kids since they were babies so I am rather disappointed at the thoughtlessness on account of the parents if they did receive the invitation and didn’t bother.
Sarvi, it is a common courtesy thing that people RSVP whether they can come or not. But if you get them to just say if they are coming to the party only then people make a last minute choice NOT to go then again you would be stuck! In terms of kids and their calendars, these kids have sport on Saturday and training during the week and that is it. The geographical location forces us to slow down somewhat.
I am thinking of this in light of what is it teaching the kids! So with the mistakes that I have discovered are mine, I will do things very differently next time.
Fiona, I would suggest holding a celebration after the holidays to heighten the chances of kids able to attend. It just saves on disappointing the child on her actual birthday – something I strive to avoid. Having birthdays in holidays are great but the party thing is the downside if you know that people will be away.
So the Wii is turned on and we have an hour to get out the door to drive to the cinema in good time to make the first movie – I have to shut this thing off or the day will go belly up! Animation here we come!
11 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Definitely, it would be nice, especially if somebody has gone to the trouble of printing a physical invitation and has invited a select few people you actually know well for a child’s birthday party as you did.
I’ll be truthful, I get one invitation a week on a *slow* week as my kid goes to a biggish school with mixed-age groups, and I try to both R and to send a little gift like some stickers or crayons. I’m not 100%, and it’s not my intention to slight anyone. Sometimes things slip through the cracks. Other people might be better at it, just as I imagine there are people whose children never fill dirty socks with playing pieces and put them on their dinner plate, who never realize they’ve lost their offset spatulas while icing a cake at 6:15 when the dinner guests are due at 6:30, and who actually remember to check their phones for messages from said guests, who’ve gotten terribly lost, before popping enough food for ten people into the oven.
Just saying, sometimes people fail a bit when it comes to social graces, and it’s not because they mean to be feral, it’s just because they’re a bit imperfect.
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Here here.
I am very good at turning up on the wrong day.
If we throw a party I always do a ring around and love it when other mothers do the same.
Thank you’s are lovely but I get more pleasure from the giving myself.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I know people do forget – I had to ask for an rsvp from one of the mums because she was so preoccupied with knocking off a few days before term to go on holiday – and she is one of the most organised people I know! And I do appreciate the fact that people get lost (I have done that and called and was told I HAD to come and no it wasn’t too late etc and then was given instructions on how to get out to the station that was supposedly easier to find than the black stump!). I just think they either did forget or the invitation was placed in the wrong bag. We may have a “take two” party later in the term.
N has given specifications for next year – he wants it after school and in town! Makes sense not that people wont come out to our place but in a way it lessens the stress on everyone! We shall see.
The movies were FABULOUS! Both really great movies and Despicable me 2 was an absolute riot! But no spoilers for those who haven’t seen them. You will just have to view them for yourselves.
11 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Feral, ha!
11 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
So glad the pictures were fun, J. Setting up the totem tennis in the field while you’re working sounds a great idea. Too wet here at present for much outdoor play, but not nearly as cold as last week, which does it make it easier for an indoor sewist.
11 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Here’s hoping his next party is a huge hit! Happy birthday little guy!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Thankyou! He was pretty thrilled to receive his very own itunes voucher from his Melbourne Aunty the other day and laughed at his great uncle’s addressing him as “Master” N K. He thought that was hilarious! I was in town the other day collecting the mail where I saw two of the parent whom didn’t rsvp. They avoided me by walking out of the shop! Oh well! Plenty of other children in the class that would want to come I’m sure. We are moving on with the experience and the children have taken up camping – in the lounge room! N received a fold up two man tent for Christmas. The type that pops up. Well they have decided to bring it inside seeing as I forbade them to sleep outside in the cold. So they are “camping” inside! N has reported that he is done and will not be camping tonight. I think the fact the floor is quite hard has given him two not so good sleeps but we had to make it seem authentic!
We received a little bit of rain – ranging from 7.5 to 18mm across the farm. We are hoping for a followup very soon. Some places got 50mm! But I am wondering how fast it came down. This happened on Thursday whilst at the movies.
11 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
gosh thanks so much for all the lovely words ladies… very kind of you 🙂
we’ve been in a little baby bubble the last couple of weeks! he’s a dear little thing, but refuses to sleep at night, which is leaving me crazy tired!! relearning how to type one handed with a baby in the pouch… feels like it will be forever before i am sewing again… will have to sew vicariously through all all you lovelies for a little while!! off to have a flick through some of your pics xox
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh I undersand the refusal to sleep thing! My son did the same and it drove us up the wall and round the end with fatigue! That is no matter how much the attempt was for a bedtime routine! We eventually got there with the going to sleep part but he still liked to party in the middle of the night and the worst thing was we all shared the one room! I am thinking he woke to one of us snoring and was probably scared!
So glad he’s a dear little chap!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Three things to say today… Here we go!
1. Three cheers for the little prince of Cambridge born Monday! Yay! I hope he gets a good hearty and very English name!
2. I will always warn the children to never tell their teacher they had icecream for breakfast in future (it was a healthy breakfast icecream which was a huge hit with the kids at least)
3. 24 degrees celcius is far too warm for mid July! I guess that means we are in for rain? Hope so.
11 years ago LINKI am also looking forward to a famous baby with a normal name for once 🙂
In our baby life, little man just popped his first tooth yesterday. He just turned five months old and it seems way too soon – my daughters didn’t get their first teeth until much later. He has been correspondingly miserable for the last 48 hours and my husband and I are like the walking dead in the mornings. Thank goodness the baby doesn’t mind when I drink caffeine. I would truly be zombie-lik without it.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh! Those days are still very vivid in my memory. I do feel for you! My daughter had her first tooth poke through at four months so they were moving and causing her grief very early. My son was about five months and knew what they were for early on. Just so long as he doesn’t test them out on you! It was so painful!
Has it been five months already?
11 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
My kids didn’t get teeth til very late but that didn’t stop them screaming for all they were worth when they were little. Aaaah babies, some people love them. 🙂
On other news, I’ve just been forwarded an email via Todd… Seems the graphic designer in charge of a Ride Safely helmet campaign in conjunction with the Evel Knievel Days festival in Butte Montana wants to use the images of P in his Nature Walk modified jumpsuit .
How cool! We are seriously excited chez nous!
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