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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    justsewit, I wouldn’t worry unduly about the stray capitals, so long as he can capitalize correctly for final drafts. That’s some impressive spelling!

    meleliza, that’s such a sweet story about his grown-up laugh. Kids are such a mix of joy and pangs in the heart for us, aren’t they. Hope the tears didn’t affect the wine adversely!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Not worried at the moment. Like I said, after we have finished the program and if it still continues then we will look into it further. I have been googling things again because of comments that have come back and I am trying to work out if I need to investigate further. Of course as a teacher she is not allowed to mention anything like ADD or anything else (not that it didn’t stop her last year) but I cant help but get the feeling she is hinting at it.

    Anyway he is going great with the program and I have seen an improvement with his writing already. It is difficult for him because he doesn’t have great motor skills but I can see this will help him make good progress. I spoke with the guy who presents the lessons and he says they have had just recently worked with two schools in the Hills (of Perth) where results have come back giving a jump of three year levels on average in reading, spelling and writing. These are with kids who are struggling but I am not sure if they were primary students or not.

    So I am expecting great results. It is supposed to help children with their focus in class also.

    Oh yes! I feel like photocopying this little jewel of evidence and giving it out to everyone I know! I was very pleasantly surprised and now I cant wait for the next test.

    Meleliza it is amazing how different kids sound on the phone! He will revert to his old self when you arrive I am sure. But I am so glad it sound like he is having a great time so you can enjoy your sewing!

    Glad to “see” you back Lotta. How was your Greek escape?

    lattemama @lattemama

    Thank you Tamara. We had an absolutely tremendulant time. The weather was nice. Not too warm and the food was delicious. Both girls learnt to love Greek salad and I may actually have learnt to enjoy black olives.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Hello ladies! I though I would post here that we will be moving back up north in a couple of weeks so we will not have the internet for a bit. I think we will have it until the weeks end maybe but I know I will be back “here” in August! I miss you gals so much until then!!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Good Luck with your move!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Hope the move goes smoothly, Sharon! We consider moving every so often (everyone does here because of schools) but when I think about the hassle of getting the house ready and packing up all these people and all our stuff, I shudder.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thank ladies!!

    Packing is slow going but we have started early, I think, so we should be done. But the part I am not looking forward to is loading up the truck with all five kiddos. Well that and the 10 hour drive up there. I still have yet to pack all me sewing up…..

    Tamara @justsewit

    How exciting! Hoping the move is a success. Are you able to enlist the help of a trusty friend to mind the children while you have some bulky packing on the go? It is such a pity the move north isn’t near me!! I’d gladly babysit to help you out. I hope it goes smoothly and the kids get to settle in fast (and the ten hour drive isn’t too stressful). Find a nice spot to have a good old stretch in between.

    I have just spent four hours being a non techy tech head and downloading this digital add on for Noah’s trainz game. It has been a right pain in the rear end and I have another add on to go which seems to be even more difficult. I sent a ticket off for some help from tech support on that one. It just reminds one of how un tech savvy one really is!

    I can’t wait for Thursday! We get to spend time as a family and have a movie day. Noah has opted for a double viewing of Discpicable me 2 and Monsters university as a way to spend his birthday. It makes it bittersweet to have my baby turn eight! But we will all have a great time and it gives Murray a chance to escape the farm even for just a day.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Oh lots of luck and energy for the move, and especially for transporting everyone so far away. Where is north of you? Have you got a house to go to etc? Amazed you can still manage to sew. Really looking forward to seeing the finished silk/beaded dress. Of course, we’ll all miss you and the gorgeous mob while you’re other wise occupied but it will be fun to see how PC has grown when you are back on line.

    So glad you had a relaxing holiday, lm, and that Greek salad (yum yum) is slowly winning converts. Mel, already had a look at wish dress, and it’s lovely. Especially think sash is brilliant idea. What’s a “wish” dress? Is that part of competition?

    Dear old Jsit, tidying is only rewarding after the event, eh but it is a great feeling when you find fabric you’d forgotten you had.

    Posted Skirt and top to Melbourne yesterday, and have just posted pics on Flickr. A million projects waiting to be tackled, and some serious dusting – groan.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thank you Tamara and Fiona! Sadly it’s just us to get everything around and ready for the move. Thank goodness though that my dad will be driving the moving van for us. We will be living with my parents for a bit until we find a house.

    We are moving to central Ill, Abraham Lincoln from there, up the road, literally. I will have to “show” you gals around once we get settled in. It will be fun!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Happy Birthday Noah!! it sounds like it will be a great birthday!!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Would love to be “shown” around! Mum and dad would probably welcome the idea of having precious time with the kids – you won’t be packed to the rafters permanently and it’ll probably be a little relieving to have them help out while you house hunt.

    Moving during the summer break is a great chance to get settled and the kids making friends in the new neighbourhood etc – not forgetting of course the parents need a circle of friends also.

    Sounds like a beautiful historic area. There are lots of beautiful places in the US that would be so interesting to visit.

    Thanks for the birthday greetings, I will pass them on. We are working to make his actual birthday very special as the party was a bit of a disaster – only one classmate out of ten who were invited actually came. Only two other rsvp’s from parents and the others didnt bother! I will go about it very differently next time. It is because of school holidays when everyone goes away but still it isnt teaching the kids to be considerate to not tell me they aren’t coming. He was such a trooper and we worked hard to make it a proper party – the child’s younger siblings joined in the games despite them being little. He couldnt help but be a bit sad after though and I really felt sad for him. So his actual birthday will be just us and we can do what he wants which is to go see the movies and have lots of fun laughing! We all need the endorphine fix!

    Masha Richart

    Oh, how sad that no one bothered to RSVP. I feel like it is a courtesy that is falling by the wayside. We like to entertain and have large barbecues every few weeks. Very few people RSVP so I never know how many to prepare for. Luckily I tend to err on the side of caution, so then i don’t have to cook again for a few days after 🙂

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Poor little guy. We had the same problem with birthday parties here as well so we only invite family now.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Oh yes please, Sharon. I’d just love to see pics of your new neighbourhood, and especially when you find a house. I guess your parents have enuf space to fit you all. As J says, built-in babysitting for a while – always a help during the summer hols, and maybe even a chance for you and your husband to have a night out as well as house-hunting, and I guess school hunting too.

    All that animation sounds like lots of fun for an 8th birthday, and a day off farm will do everybody good, I’m sure. Ironically, just tonight I was talking to the birthday girl’s mother about her day this Friday. Again, the school hols here are a problem for getting together a bunch of little girls but given Miss 6 is in a plaster from hip to hock, it’s making a virtue of a necessity. However, a suggestion to have a wider family get together on Sunday has been met with ungenerous reluctance. So your boy has all my sympathy, J. People can be very thoughtless, and I for one, am very tired of the perennial excuse of “busyness”. I mean, aren’t we all? And children’s birthdays are special!!! Just makes me so cross. That goes for adult parties, too.

    Hope you have a special box to pack SP’s fairytale/princess dress, Sharon. It really is a triumph!

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