News and Current Affairs
9 years ago LINK
with love Heidi @with love Heidi
The coverstitch machine should be a lot of fun.
Tomorrow, I’m surprised there they have access to mobile phones! The last high school camp I went on in Feb all the mobile phone confiscated on the first day and only given back once a day9 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
I’m really pleased your husband is making some progress, that’s great news.
8 Weeks and 4 update queries/complaints later it’s finally acknowledged that my fairly sizable Mood fabrics order is ‘lost in transit’. The previous order they sent me $90 of neoprene that was someone else’s order. Not very impressed and mostly frustrated that the boucle I’d ordered for a city stroll skirt for work won’t be coming!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Heidi she was using the teacher’s and the parent’s phone to contact me. Apparently they were sharing what they are getting up to on Facebook also. No they specifically said that no mobile phones are allowed because it was such an issue last year. The teachers had to make sure they were looked after. So this year only the adults have them. Imogen doesn’t have her own yet but will require one eventually, especially when she goes to school in Perth. I am currently researching the most cost effective ways to allow her one without having her wrack up a huge bill! Prepaid seems the way to go.
Chloë cut her first tooth the other day also and has a bump ready to cut through next to it already. I caught her in the crawling position yesterday too! She is only 7 months old!
9 years ago LINKMaggie @Magonomics
Robbers Took My Oliver + S Sewing!
Last week I came home to find we had been burglarized. Luckily no one was hurt, the cat didn’t get out, and we have insurance.
However just about all our electronics were gone, along with some of my jewelry (luckily nothing of sentimental value like my grandmothers pearls), and they had totally destroyed the house (books pulled off shelves, clothing yanked out of drawers, filing cabinet contents everywhere, etc.).
They didn’t take my sewing machine (thank goodness!) but they did get away with the darling ‘lil man flannel I had hanging up ready to mail to a friend. Something about that was the worst part of the whole thing to me.
So public service announcement: everyone please take a few minutes to double check your insurance policy and make sure all your photos are synced to whatever backup system you use. Also wouldn’t be a bad idea to snap photos of the serial numbers of all your nice electronics.
9 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
Maggie, I’m sorry to hear that. Nuts that they took the flannel as well as the more ‘normal’ items to steal. I hope you feel OK about it and it hasn’t been too traumatic.
I am going to go back up my pictures (and pdf patterns!!) now.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh No! Maggie that’s absolutely awful! I hope they are tracked down and a sentence is dished out to them!
9 years ago LINKvothgirl @vothgirl
Maggie, so sorry about your break-in. Even though you didn’t lose anything terribly sentimental an event like that can leave you quite unsettled. My husband and I experienced a similar event (although all the thieves took was our television) 3 months before our first baby was born – we came home from work to find our front door kicked in. I felt uneasy for weeks after that. I hope you are able to recover some of your things and most importantly your peace of mind.
Things have been fairly busy here the last few months…Olivia is now walking (sob!). And Ellie turned 3 just a couple weeks ago. My babies are growing up too quickly. But we are all doing well – back in January I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and am now on a low dose medication. It has made such a difference and given me the emotional margin to enjoy motherhood of two rather than flip out over every little thing. In June we went on a week-long camping trip to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon and it was so amazing that we decided to buy our own camper/travel trailer. I can’t wait to fill my girls’ memories with time spent enjoying the beautiful outdoors. So I haven’t been doing as much sewing of late tho I have plenty in my to do pile! And I only keep adding more to it – that new Lisette coat! Oh my!!! <3 <3 <3
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9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@vothgirl I am so glad you are finding a way to cope with PD. My sister suffered and still does I think and her son is six! It can be dreadful but I am so glad you are able to manage it. Are you having counselling also?
I have just gotten home from Geraldton after a day’s jaunt with the family and hubby came in to announce that my back tyre has blown! I didn’t even notice! So it looks like I am going nowhere for the next week!
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I get a snow day! Once about every 10 years it snows to sea level in Tasmania. And today’s that day
Snow at my house! This is the first one I’ve experienced since I’ve been here so it’s pretty and cool
Beautiful to look at, school closed I get a sew day9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Happy sewing Heidi! I better not tell my kids about the snow day, they’d want to move to Tassie!
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Supposedly only happens once every 10 years. The last one was 2004. This is also the first time in 29 years that it snowed to sea level, snow on the beach!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well crazy things do happen don’t they?
Remember when the news broadcast that it snowed in Greenbushes? Its always a newstory when it snows on Bluff Knoll! Just the fact there is a chance of experiencing a “snow day” my kids would be there in a shot – note to self kick the telly out the door!9 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
@vothgirl Patricia, I’ve only just seen your hiking pics, that trip looks amazing, I’m very envious!
I have been having as many day trips as possible with my girls this summer, as I return to work full time in 3 weeks. I am not looking forward to it, for a whole host of reasons. Both girls are in nursery 3 days a week in preparation, and baby M loves it, which we expected. E will be moving up to the pre-school room shortly and is so excited about it. I am trying to make the most of the quiet days I have to myself, and have managed to get a bit of sewing done.
Work on our new roof and loft conversion should finally finish in the next 2-3 weeks, which will be a great. We’ll have a whole new room (guest room in the short term) and we’ll be able to move into our own bedroom soon, I hope. So busy, busy.
I hope everyone is having a relaxing and joy filled summer.
9 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Dear Forum members,I found out a short while ago c/o of their blog that Francessuzanne (the sewing sisters who fell in love with Oliver + S patterns a few years ago), have suffered a terrible and shocking loss. Their brother-in-law, Eric, husband to their youngest sister, Sara, and father of their adorable nieces died suddenly, and mysteriously on August 8. Their blog explains the circumstances, and how they have all been managing for the last month better than I can. But I thought that those of you who are not subscribers to their blog would like to know of the terrible change to the lives of this family; especially since the sewing sisters have been so generous sharing their sewing, creativity, and many aspects of lives of their special sister, and her 3 daughters.
Many people in their local community (in Alabama) have been extremely loving, supportive and practical; however, I’m sure that all of the married/partnered members of our special group can easily imagine the heart-rending disruption the sudden death of a husband, father, brother-in-law and son has wrought, and how much work and pain the next year will involve. On behalf of my dear AWK’s (aunts without kids), I ask that you reach out to them in whatever fashion you feel comfortable with, and pray for them all.
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needlewoman. Reason: Better expression
9 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
Thank you for flagging that up Fiona.
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