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    Masha Richart

    I feel strange posting about this but as I feel I have gotten to know many of you over the last years, here goes. My husband suffered a stroke yesterday morning. He is in the intensive care unit at the hospital and in critical condition. His left side is completely paralyzed. He is only 37 years old and we have no idea what happened. Our lives have been turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    Oh my! I can only imagine all that you must be feeling right now! There are no good words for something so scary as you all must be navigating. But, know your family is in my thoughts now. I am rooting for you all.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Heck, I have no idea how you are coping with this and with a new baby too. My thoughts are with you, and I wish there was some practical help I could offer.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oh Masha.
    I wish a speedy recovery for him and as much help can be mustered for you. If only I lived nearby….

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh you poor darling! What a horrendously stressful and worrying time for you. You are top of the prayer list for me now Masha. Please make sure you rest and take care of you! I know that would probably be the last thing on your mind right now. Do you have family rallying around you in support?

    I pray your husband’s condition improves.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Big hugs, Marsha!
    Like Shelley, if only I were closer and could help with some of the practical things! Hang in there, give the kids a big hug from me. I’ll be praying for you and your family.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    So sorry to hear this — what a shocker for a young man! Hoping for the best outcome and wishing you great strength.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Masha, I am so sorry to hear your terrible news. I truly wish there was something I could do.

    I hope you have some support.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Oh, Masha….sending love and positive thoughts for all of you xx

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    Masha – I read this yesterday and just now got time to comment – I have been thinking of you all day. I’m sending love and positive thoughts as well.

    We have a friend (Julia’s basketball coach) who was an NBA player who had a stroke in his 30’s. He’s fine now, but it (obviously) changed his life.

    I wish I could get on a plane and come help you out.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Oh No! I’m so sorry that you all are having to deal with this, especially with a new baby at home. You, your husband, and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

    Masha Richart

    Thank you ladies. We are fortunate to have very good support – so many people have brought food that we don’t have room in our refrigerator. And I have lots of help with the children. I am trying to balance spending time with them and being at the hospital, as my husband is sad when I leave. My in-laws are here so we are taking shifts.

    I had been having significant difficulties breastfeeding this time around (which has never happened before) so Niko is drinking a lot of formula – it turns out to be a blessing because it’s easy for others to watch him. I nurse when I am around and he gets formula the rest of the time.

    My husband’s condition seems to be improving a tiny bit – he is able to move his eyes to the left now (he couldn’t yesterday morning) and his speech is less slurred. I’ve heard many optimistic stories about young people who have suffered strokes and fully recovered so I am feeling positive. We just have to take it day by day.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh thank heavens. Fingers crossed he continues to improve and you’re able to sort out what on earth happened. So, so glad to hear you’re surrounded with help!

    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    Oh I am sorry life has been so tough Masha, but oh so glad you have help at the challenging time. Great to hear that he has shown some improve too.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Masha – so glad to hear that he is improving – have been thinking of you all. And so good to hear that you have plenty of support x

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