Oliver + S

New chambray too creased to work with – any suggestions

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    LisaMM @LisaMM

    Hi ladies,

    I recently purchased the softest, loveliest dark chambray that I have ever come across. It’s 96% cotton and 4% metal. It has the slightest sheen but you wouldn’t call it shiny. I purchased 2 metres. The first metre I didn’t pre wash and started making the Sunday brunch jacket. The 2nd metre I thought I better prewash to make my daughter some jeans.

    I hand washed the piece and once it dried it had the worst creases in it that I can’t iron out? It looks too creased to work with now and I’m worried I’ve wasted my time on making the cutest brunch jacket in what I thought was the softest chambray..

    Any suggestions on how to remove these deep creases??

    Tamara @justsewit

    Have you tried starch? I can help get deep creases out if you do a light spray. Such a shame but at least ow you know that it creases badly and you will have to iron the jacket well.

    Reeni @Reeni

    maybe look up the manufacturer and see if they have any suggestions? My thought is the little metal content is making it hold tight to the creases… in that case yo nay be better off machine-washing and hanging to dry.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Dampen it when pressing.

    Chambray will crease but that will lessen with wear.

    Reduce your spin,use a fabric softener,remove promptly from the machine,shake well and air dry. That should help until it softens with age.

    Make sure you wash it in cold water and don’t tumble dry if it has a metal content.

    Test the starch first on a scrap in case it reacts with the metal.

    It sounds very elegant.

    LisaMM @LisaMM

    Thanks ladies, will try and gentle machine wash and iron when damp, hopefully it will come up a little nicer. It’s the most lovely chambray and I would hate to waste it.

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