Need Help picking out fabric!
10 years ago LINK
Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Ok, this is a non-O+S pattern but I am wanting to make a sling like this one for my Niece-in-law to carry her baby around.
She says that the cotton one is making little baby boy sweat very badly. I have found a pattern and the rings but what I am having a problem with is figuring out what type of fabric this is? I emailed the company and they said it polyester… it’s a polyester breathable mesh but is sturdy enough to hold a baby in a sling. So this leaves me clueless. Any ideas would be really helpful!
10 years ago LINKbeachmom @beachmom
I would think that it’s the same kind of fabric that athletic shorts are sometimes made out of. Like this:
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
This is fascinating as I am acquainted with the people who design and own the company! In fact I have even worked packaging the Breeze Baby Slings for them 🙂 The fabric has little holes in it and is definitely synthetic.
Although I don’t have kids of my own I love the Ergo carrier they also stock. When I can carry a 3 year old on my back in an Ergo Baby Carrier for a hour long hike, when I never carry anything like that normally, with no pain and minimal fatigue I conclude they are great. It also let’s you hug and comfort a baby or child while still having your hands free! And let’s them sleep on the go. Sorry this is slightly off topic but wanted to mention it in case others haven’t come across this carrier before.
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Do you know what the fabric is Heidi? She and her husband can’t buy one, too costly for them right now I am wanting to make her one….maybe myself one too for Caspian. ; )
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Thanks Cindy! That just might be perfect, right now it’s number one on my list to try.
10 years ago LINKvothgirl @vothgirl
I have an ergo carrier as well and love it. Didn’t use it as much as I planned with our first, but definitely am going to use it a ton with baby Olivia. It will make trips to the shops so much easier – Ellie in the seat of the shopping cart, and Olivia in the ergo :-). I got the “Aussie Khaki/Outback” color bc even tho there are heaps of cute prints, I had to get one that my husband would be willing to wear – so nothing floral or whimsical :P. I have a ring sling as well that my mum made for me out of linen – but need to google newborn carries as I don’t remember how to use it.
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
The Ergo is my favorite but it’s a huge expense. One for the ‘request family to pitch in’ list for sure. Even used on Craigslist they’re still expensive.
Sharon can you give these chaps a buzz and explain what you want to make, maybe they can recommend something:
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Also, not sure if you’ve seen this one:
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Thanks for links Sarvi! I am still looking around at different places in hopes to find the “perfect” fabric for this. I am thinking voile maybe but I want the fabric to be sturdy and not slippery as the fabric might slip through the rings.
10 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
Oh Sarvi thanks so much for the hip carrier link! I am going to make one for Caspian for sure, it will makew our summer way easier!
10 years ago LINKmkhs @mkhs
I wouldn’t use voile, you really want something very durable for a baby carrier. My best summertime carrier was a single-layer linen ring sling, very breathable.
This is the best DIY ring sling tutorial I know:
Make sure those seams are really strong!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
That’s handy to know. I was looking at the baby breeze. I love the design and still haven’t ruled it out but with January and feb being extremely hot, my other carrier is just too padded and would be more appropriate for cooler weather.
I was thinking voile but of course some voile is just too flimsy. I am guessing you could use linen and maybe line it with voile depending on how scratchy the linen is – maybe a linen/ cotton blend?
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
If I remember correctly it reminded me of the type of mesh fabric that basket ball jerseys were made of. Maybe something similar to the Pro or micro mesh in this picture.
It’s funny I saw the owner last week for the first time in 6 months or so and probably won’t see them again for that long 🙂 They are friends of friends 🙂
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I have only used a baby carrier for my last two babies, there is no room in our car for a pram!
I have a fabric cocoon type one with a velcro waist band that I had my physio fit on me and a leather front carrier that Jed used (Hugo will probably use this time)
I swop to a hip carrier at about 1 year.
I have to say, I would be very very wary about sewing one unless I was 100% sure of the fabric. If it broke or tore you would feel terrible.
10 years ago LINKvothgirl @vothgirl
I too think that voile would be too flimsy/delicate and would be nervous wearing my baby in it – the more it’s washed, the more the fibers get worn. And since babies spit up and get things pretty messy, you want a fabric that will wash well! I do not remember the website my sling pattern was on (I’ll try looking for it tho), as my mum and I made my sling two years ago for my older daughter, but the pattern she used also came with recommendations as to type of fabric. I do remember that in general, cotton was not recommended because the fiber strength just isn’t great enough to guarantee safety of the baby as it grows/gets heavier. Flannel in particular was discouraged, as the brushing weakens the fiber strength. The two fabrics most recommended were 100% linen (what my sling is made of), and silk (my mum made a sling from dupioni for my sister for her first baby). Either of those would be fairly lightweight. I chose linen over silk since my baby was due during the summer in Alabama. I did a quick search this afternoon to remind myself how to carry a newborn, and saw that Sakura Bloom ring slings come in both silk and Irish linen – a far nicer/finer linen than mine, but I didn’t have a large selection of fabric stores in Alabama! And the Sakuras are waaaaaay expensive! The other important thing is to get good quality rings – I think the best ones are Sling Ring brand or something like that. They come in all different colors too.
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