Oliver + S

Nappies or diapers??

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    Nicole @motherof5

    This made me laugh all evening! I love it!

    We have several cats and occasionally they make messes on the floor. My Twins have a special bucket and scrubbing bush labelled ”Cat Pooh Brush and Cat Pooh Bucket”with black marker pen so they don’t get used for anything else.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m turning back the clock to the time where at 6.30am I would have elbow deep gloves on spraying dirty nappies in the child care centre laundry on early shift! These stories are just terrific! I never had sprayers flying off walls but we did have the odd child who contributed to “painting” the walls with their own pooh! Feral I know!

    If you have fitted cloth nappies they would be the same as the disposables to just GENTLY shake whatever is left into the loo and then (in the case of the cloth) pop in the wash.

    My washing pile was just too big for a start to accomodate for cloth aswell but now with all these suggestions I’m starting to think that maybe next time it could be an option to try.

    I looked into making nappies to sell Sharon – not alot of research mind you as it seemed that every other lady at home with kids was doing that also. It depends on the pattern but I would say you could get about four nappies out of a yard of fabric for one layer of them if they were a one sized fits most (and I am really guessing here). You can of course choos between poppers and velcro as the closures – I went so far as to purchase a popper attaching thingy – huge gadget looks like a hole punch on steroids!

    I am supposing that it wouldn’t be completely expensive to make them because of all the times you are going to use them.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I do all the poopy diaper changing in the kids bathroom where I keep the wipes and the diaper pail. It’s all very easy. I never had any trouble with the sprayer. In fact, it’s also great for rinsing out the potty after the oys are done! My boys use the bathroom sink for brushing teeth, so I can’t imagine having to clean poop out of it every day. And this baby girl poops a lot. wet diapers i’llchange anywhere and carry the dirty one upstairs eventually. More often, I make the older boys take them or bring me a clean one. So useful, since the kids bath is on the 3rd floor and we’re often all the way downstairs.

    Btw, I’m assuming that nappies refer to cloth diapers? My husband is English and I speak the British version pretty well, but I hadn’t heard that distinction before. All the English people I know say nappy when Americans say diaper.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thanks ladies so much! I think I am going to give these a try. I have found some way too cute fabrci for the outside I like and have a pattern in mind to buy plus I get to sew to make these little nappies. (a big bonus for me!! 🙂 )

    Thanks Tamra for the yardage, it a great spot to start out with. I think these nappies would not be much more money to buy the fabric to make than to buy a few newborn sized diapers. I can’t believe the price of diapers these days. I was thinking about maybe trying to make some to sell too. I know a lot of people using nappies these days but a bunch of ladies do not sew so I know there would be a market for them here in my area. We even have a Natural baby store down town.

    Now I have some sewing projects to finish up this week before I start some nappies!


    rastis @rastis

    mamaknowles my nappy pattern is large and i can squeeze 3-4 nappies per half metre (50cm length)… depending on how wide the fabric is… and it really does need to be 50cm, it can’t be half a yard… i don’t know about other patterns though 🙂 i would get your pattern first and then the fabric when you know how long it is!

    KarenK @KarenK

    I cloth diapered my two youngest children (the last one not as faithfully as the one before) and researched making my own. Very Baby has a great website and affordable prices for materials. It maps out exactly what you need in terms of yardage and notions for getting started. The website was recently sold to new owners and I haven’t looked recently to see how much is the same, but it was very helpful for me at the time.

    I tried almost every type and style and always found my way back to prefolds, a Snappi, and a good cover.

    Regarding poo- I always shook off what I could and if needed I dunked and swished in the toilet. There comes a point when poo no longer makes you squeamish. 🙂 Unless you’re my husband in which case you leave the soiled diaper in the sink for mommy to deal with when she gets home. Sinks are so useful.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I used the snappi clip with Matilda-fantastic! Before that I had a cake of soap with nappy pins in it!(Now I use those for threading elastic).

    The sight of white fluffy squares hanging on the line still gives me pleasure. The Twins used to fold them for telly privileges.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Meleliza, nappies yup! English term for diapers disposable or cloth same term used.

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