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Music Class blouse too short…how to fix?

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    avashmava @avashmava

    So, I’m almost done with the Music Class blouse and had dd11 try it on. While I adore the pattern and fabric (I think it’s so sweet!), it is rather short on her. I made the size 12 and thought it would be long enough based on the finished measurements, but I should have lengthened it by 2-3″. She can’t bend over without a lot of her back showing.

    It is also rather wide in the body (shoulders are fine), which is less of a problem than the length, but I might as well fix that too, right? If I pinch the fabric on the sides up to her body, there is about 6″ of ease on each side–about 12″ total. That’s too much, right? It’s looking a little boxy being so wide.

    Here’s a couple of pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/58346074@N00/8661287058/in/photostream/

    Music Class blouse--too short?

    I thought about making a slightly gathered ruffle and adding it to the bottom for length–not too ruffly. I can also just take in the sides pretty easily, but how much ease to leave? And if I take it in on the sides, I need to do that before I add to the length.

    How would you fix these issues? Thanks in advance!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m wondering if the pattern piece was cut the correct way? For it to be quite wide. I have made many Music class shirt for my daughter in a size 12 and have had to lengthen but have never had the issue of it being too wide. I used to do a double fold the same width of the hem until I discovered you were supposed to fold the raw edge into the crease of the first fold made on the hem. It made it a tad longer but I think this isn’t supposed to be a tuck in shirt. We have always had it sitting at the hip. But I do agree with adding the length if you feel it is too short for your daughter.

    The length you have is what I thought was normal for this pattern but a ruffle on the bottom would look nice and add length if she feels it is too short.

    I’m sorry I unable to advise on the width though, don’t know what could happen there if all the instructions were read and carried out. It could be perhaps that she is rather slim and only just a 12. Perhaps try just running the side seam in a bit further to make it a little less boxy?

    Nicole @motherof5

    This is a pattern I tend to size down and lengthen as my children are skinny and long bodied.

    I simply add a few inches to the hem and then chop off what I don’t need.


    this is Tilly at nearly 4 wearing the 12-18 month no length.

    x Nicole

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