Oliver + S

Music Box Final Step Frustration – please help

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    marta1 @marta1

    This is the 2nd night in a row I try to finish this dress and I am in tears from frustration. I am making view B in size 3T. Overall, the pattern was relatively easy to follow. While I don’t consider myself an advanced sewer – I am quite capable of following patters and normally don’t have too many isseus. That said, I am about to attach the skirt to the yoke – pretty much the final step in what looks to be a very nice looking dress. However – I am having an issue…

    I can pin the front part of the “top” part of dress to the bottom w/out problems – but the two back panels are not lining up. They are too long! almost 2 inches. I have rechecked the pattern I traced – looked at all the steps and the only place where I think I may have gone wrong was in making the bodice part at the very beginning – but that was the simplest and can’t see how I made such a big mistake that the back of my bodice is not lining up with the bottom of the dress on the back.

    Am I doing something wrong? I almost feel like just cutting the back part of the bodice but I hate not doing this right….

    Any help or words or wisdom someone can share will be much appreciated! I am trying to finish this dress for my daughters xmas pictures on Sat. so my desperation is growing.



    Anonymous @

    I’m sorry, Marta – I don’t have any useful suggestions, but I understand how frustrating this is. I made View A in size 5 and didn’t run into this problem so I am of no help. Maybe try to take some pics to add to the Flickr group to help us understand what’s going wrong. Hopefully someone else will help you with this and you can finish the dress in time!

    marta1 @marta1

    Thanks! I will try to post pix tommorrow – since it is late on my end I am going to turn in…i am giving up again for tonight.


    marta1 @marta1

    Update: just retraced my steps – made a mistake on the back skirt panels. I was off by 1/2″ when I folded back and that was enough to throw the whole thing off. Will be able to make a small adjustment to the top of the dress and it should fit nicely. next time I make it I will be more careful! That is what happens when I rush!!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am so pleased, I felt very sorry for you!

    Anonymous @

    I’m so happy that you figured it out and can fix it! : )

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