Oliver + S

Monochrome Project- B&W

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes! That would be an idea.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Pattern mash-up sounds quite challenging. I know that when I did the jumprope and had to mash up Library dress sleeves with the jumprope sleeve head I was quite satisfied when it turned out loverly.

    I do know that that type of work takes more time, and we are approaching the holiday hectic season… at least here in the states, you have Halloween, then 4 weeks later Thanksgiving, and then Hannukah/Christmas. And for many of us, Christmas season starts on the Friday after Thanksgiving, with parties, preparation, cooking, decorating, religious services for those who do that.

    So while I’d love a mash up, I couldn’t commit to it, unless it was post holidays. 🙂 (Being American-centric and uninformed about other international/religious holidays- calendars.)

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Pattern mash up/hack, yes please!
    One of my favourite type’s of sewing 🙂

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    I think it would be a good idea to have an end date for the next challenge that is in January or February. We are coming to the end of the school year here in the Southern Hemisphere and there is always lots going on with that as well as Christmas preparation.

    I’m happy to do whatever and whenever though. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    @cybele727, @lightningmcstitch? Any suggestions as to type of challenge and start/ finish date? It’s pretty busy here at the moment but I should be able to squeeze in some time for another challenge between now and February (in amongst harvest, Christmas, first birthday and school prep). But then I would imagine you guys in the northern hemisphere have busy schedules also.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Mash-up challenge:

    “Reveal date”: 2/5/16?
    Flickr tag: “oliverandsmashup” ?

    Any other rules/parameters?

    Although we want something new, should we go back and tag old stuff, like my jumprope with library sleeves, because so many of us have mashed up without thinking of it that way?

    Once we set them up, I will start a new thread!

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    For a second there I was thinking… “Wow! We’ve got until May!!! I can go all out with this one!”

    Then I realised it was just a dating convention difference.

    2/5 is 2nd of May to a New Zealander. But 5th February is fine for an end date too. 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I also looked at the date and thought May 🙂
    Feb is great, it gives me my favourite sewing month.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Sounds good😀

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Just wondering about the definition of a mashup. Is it limited to combining 2 or more Oliver and S patterns or can it also include changing up an Oliver and S pattern and combining an Oliver and S pattern with another pattern.
    I hope and suspect that all these options are fine as we are a generous and relaxed community, but I thought I’d just check 🙂

    Audrey @skirtfixation

    I finally squeezed in a B&W project! Going to Flickr to upload it now. But you can also see it in my blog post here: http://skirtfixation.com/2015/10/star-wars-t-shirt-diy-kids-clothes-week-day-3/

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Wool and silk Art Museum Vest
    I finally finished my monochrome project!
    Black pinstripe Art Museum Vest lined with red silk!

    cybele727 @cybele727


    Mash up- must be substantially one or more oliver and s patterns?

    So other patterns would be ok.

    I mean I have a dress from McCalls with jumprope pockets. That’s not much of and O + s pattern mash up. 🙂

    But I am open to group rule!

    cybele727 @cybele727


    Mash up- must be substantially one or more oliver and s patterns?

    So other patterns would be ok.

    I mean I have a dress from McCalls with jumprope pockets. That’s not much of and O + s pattern mash up. 🙂

    But I am open to group rule!

    cybele727 @cybele727


    Mash up- must be substantially one or more oliver and s patterns?

    So other patterns would be ok.

    I mean I have a dress from McCalls with jumprope pockets. That’s not much of and O + s pattern mash up. 🙂

    But I am open to group rule!

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 80 total)

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