Oliver + S

Monochrome Project- B&W

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    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    @justsewit I’m not sure what I will turn the fabric into yet. Once I have washed and tumble dried the fabric I will have a better idea of how much I will have to work with. I could definitely get a roller skate tunic out of it. Or I’m pondering on maybe a short sleeve music class blouse? And then I will make a grey denim sailboat skirt to layer over the leggings I’ve already made. I think I will have to treat miss almost four to a pair of sparkly silver ballet flats to finish off the outfit. Although she will definitely want to wear her bright pink ankle boots instead! 🙂

    Have you thought any more about what you might team your class picnic blouse with? Are you going for an every day or more formal/dressy look?

    I would love to do a grown ups monochrome sew along too.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    @justsewit, why not either/or/both? As you can see, I am a real curmudgeon for rules about sew alongs. 🙂

    And if we do an either or, I may have to get that sparkly Miller fabric. What a pretty every day skirt it would be…. hmmmm….

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I now have ideas for outfits for both girls, though I doubt I’ll have enough time for both and for birthday outfits. If I do manage both monochrome looks i’m going to have to buy a small amount of black fabric. I’ll also have to use fabric destined for a wearable muslin for a city stroll skirt for me. Mmmm, not sure if i’m that nice.

    Reeni @Reeni

    I’m in, I think, with a dress for Thanksgiving. Possibly a mom-n-daughter set if things don’t get too crazy busy.
    I have a black and white cotton knit item that I was going to hack up and repurpose, but might need more than that to make a dress…

    Tamara @justsewit

    @nzsewist I haven’t really decided as yet. I might make a butterfly skirt or pair of sailboat pants but I am thinking of doing separates anyway in order to mix and match with other pieces in her wardrobe. I’d like to do a couple of dresses also but it is all down to how much time I have.

    Audrey @skirtfixation

    I’m in! But I’m going to try to sew something for my boys…

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    At the risk of being ‘difficult’, would one colour, and black be ok? I’ve been planning an outfit in aqua cord with black contrast using the 2+2 top, and a Hopscotch skirt with pockets (I’ve been wanting to try the cute pockets but fabrics I’ve used so far have been too busy to be effective). This lot is for the same child for whom I made the ‘Cat’ butterfly skirt. When her mother fixes the elastic, and sends a picture, I’ll have a better idea about the length I should make the H skirt. I winged it with the Butterfly, but I’m blowed if I’m going to make two skirts that are too long/short. Anyway, happy for the majority to rule on my request; I know I will really enjoy looking at your creations. I’ve got buckleys making anything in black/white for most of ‘my’ little girls.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Hi All.

    I thought I’d bump this up to remind everyone who is doing the monochrome project that we are nearing the “reveal” date.


    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Thanks @cybele727 I went on a mad monochrome cutting spree. Butterick skirt and top for me, play date dress, jump rope dress and swingset skirt and top for my daughter.
    So far the Playdate is sewn…

    nzsewist @Ann-Maree

    I have finished N’s monochrome outfit. A roller skate tunic and some playtime leggings. I was inspired by Sarvi’s blog post on photographing children and even snapped some shots of N in her outfit doing some twirls and curtsies on our deck. My Nana had coincidentally just finished knitting her a grey, double breasted jacket from a vintage pattern and it really finishes the look off. She looked very grown up in the whole ensemble!

    My wallet was ready to be retired so I found some grey and white spot fabric in my stash and sewed myself a new one from the Straight Stitch Society Have it All pattern. I think that is all the monochrome sewing for myself that I will fit in.

    Sewing for L hasn’t made it to the front of the sewing queue much lately. I would like to try and fit a monochrome outfit in for her sometime in the next week. We will have to wait and see. It is school holidays here in New Zealand now so my only time to sew undisturbed for the next two weeks will be in the evenings.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Well, I have my machine back, so I will finish by B&W dress. I can hardly be the gadfly who bzzz-ed in everyone’s ear and not do it myself! 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    D’oh! Were we not supposed to reveal, yet? I can make another!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Oh I think you could reveal at any time. And you can always make more. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Sarvi, of course you can! The more the merrier😀

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Well, I finished. I just need good pics. I haven’t found a good picture spot in my house for good light!

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