Oliver + S

Monochrome Project- B&W

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve cut out and have sewn the darts on the art museum Vest. I had just enough to cut it out of the remaining pinstripe fabric but I’ll need to do a contrast lining.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’ve just put the photos up of my first black and white creation – a Playdate dress. Why, oh why did I take so long to sew this dress pattern. It’s such a great shape and style.

    I’ve got one more outfit left to sew, so I’m working to the North American version of the 5th of October, as in my time zone that is eerily close…

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve made a butterfly skirt and top, a birthday party dress and a wrap skirt to include in the monochrome project. I do have a pair of puppet show shorts cut out but as to whether they will be done by the 5th is another thing. If they are completed them they can go with the white puppet show tunic as a set.

    Chloë wore her birthday party dress today and Imogen wore her skirt but unfortunately I forgot my camera to take decent enough photos.

    The butterfly top needs repairs already😁😖

    I found the neck opening is snug on this dress but then maybe the baby has a huge head and I didn’t notice. It is a lovely pattern though and I am glad you actually got to sew one.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara. Reason: Typo
    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    My idea just isn’t going to get done! Inspired by the kind of Alexa Chung androgyny and a blouse I’ve seen pics of her in, I was going to go for a music class blouse with peter pan collar in white with a black velvet ribbon tie at the neck paired with a black and white herringbone bone pattern pair of art museum trousers. Will have to find time later as I love the idea of how it will look.

    Might just get M’s playdate dress finished in time, fingers crossed!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Can we tag our pictures in Flickr with #Monochrome in the title. It makes it easier to find and search, I think. I do love seeing what is popping up!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Great idea, I’ll go back and tag mine.

    that sounds incredible, you must get to it at some point! I have a similar project in the works, blouse and slacks, though a little bit different silhouette. Pleated slacks and a long-sleeved wool jersey tee, but also with a velvet or silk ribbon at the neck.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Can I ask you to use the tag #oliverandsmonochrome that way I can easily round up our monochrome sewing rather than see thousands of Ansel Adams wannabe landscape photos!

    How’s it going? I haven’t had much time to browse Flickr yet, but I’ve been watching instagram.
    I’ve got a swingset blouse that is close to done and then photos needed before I can say I’m finished.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Ok I have gone back and tagged the ones already uploaded and uploaded the ones I didn’t do before. All have the tag you’ve requested @lightningmcstitch and @cybele727 so hoping you find them. They are all in Flickr as my instagram account is private so may not be able to see them there (even though some of them are in there).

    I have had a lot of fun doing this project and I want to thankyou for organising and proposing the project. We should do this kind of thing more often😀. Really looking forward to seeing everyone’s photos.

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    I really enjoyed getting outside my box and trying this challenge. I think it would be fun every other month, or maybe once a quarter?, to have some sort of thing like this. Whether it is a color challenge or pattern challenge, or whatever else your creative minds think up. Just me thinking out loud here 😉

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I will go back and tag mine with the oliver and s….

    cybele727 @cybele727


    I really like the idea of a challenge every quarter that isn’t too all the way. Doing LTTW was too much, or the size 5 project. Those are awesome, but out of my league in terms of time to sew.

    The color challenge here was neat because I think we all naturally eschew b&W for children as either boring or too sophisticated. The trick was to find a pattern/fabric combo that was child friendly. Although some of the fairy tales I am seeing are really WOW-WEEEEE gorgeous!

    What would be a good new challenge?

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Hmmm… a fabric challenge? Make something from the new line when it comes out? And ugly fabric challenge? A selfish sewing challenge? A inspired by a picture/catalog image challenge? A particular pattern? A wacky pants challenge? A skills challenge, specifically picking a pattern that has a skill you fear/need to learn/improve? Mimicking a specific designers esthetic challenge?

    So many possibilities….

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    That’s the beauty of these challenges, they aren’t required. If you don’t have the time or the will to join, then don’t:)

    I loved the color theme, I tend to go bright, so it was fun to try out a monochrome look. Maybe a holiday theme? Christmas dresses and dapper boy outfits will be right around the corner.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    I love the idea of challenges. I haven’t had the time to do what I planned, but I loved thinking about it and planning it, and I will make Lady E the outfit I had planned later in the year.

    It’s nice to be encouraged to think about something which may not be your own norm and see what you come up with. It was great that this idea evolved organically from what was being discussed on the forum. I’m off to look at what other ideas and inspiration people have been asking for recently! Love the ideas above.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Agreed, I don’t always have time to do all the challenges but enjoy thinking about them and bouncing ideas off other folks just the same. It sometimes takes ages to get from concept to execution.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 80 total)

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