Oliver + S

It's a sickness

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    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Last night I was sewing a Tinkerbell costume for my Little Bit. I decided I really didn’t like their directions. So, I said to myself, “what pattern is this problem like?” Oh- It’s a Birthday Party facing, with a Playdate back opening, so instead of a nasty hook closure, it needs a button and a fabric loop.”

    Now all I have to do is convince my daughter she does want to be Tinkerbell. Thanks for making my non-Oliver and S sewing look “sew” much better.

    Nicole @motherof5

    You make me laugh!

    Still giggling over ”No clean clothes? I will make you some!”

    ( Thinking of putting that on a cross stitch sampler)!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Nicole- with how fast you turn out clothes, I am thinking it would be faster for you to make new outfits for your kids than to do a load of laundry. 🙂

    Liesl Gibson

    Thanks for the laugh, and for the compliment!

    I’m afraid I’ve been known to sew something new instead of washing what’s in the laundry, too.

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