Interlining the Red Riding Hood Cape for warmth
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I’m making a Red Riding Hood Cape for a friend to wear over her wedding dress. The wedding will be at the end of April and is will to be cold, probably 15-17ºC, about 60ºF. I want to interline the cape to add some warmth but I don’t want to affect the drape of the fabric.
This is the mockup, but similar fabrics will be used in the final one, a suiting fabric with good drape for the outside and a cotton or polycotton for the lining.
Would flannel interlining effect the drape? Or what other options are out there? Thanks 🙂
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaI have to admit that 60 doesn’t actually sound cold to me at all. In fact, it sounds like a really beautiful spring day. I hope we’ll warm up that much by April. 🙂 If it were me, I’d probably tough it out without a wrap for a special occasion. So I guess my answer would be no, I don’t see why you need to interline it. I do think a cape is an elegant topper for a winter wedding. White wool with fur trim? So pretty. Not that 60 counts as winter.
10 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya60 and sunny is completely different than 60 and windy/rainy/evening. If sunny, I think the flannel might be too much, and that the cape would be perfect in suiting with soft cotton for lining. Otherwise, I think mele’s suggestion of a wool would be nice and appropriate still with a soft cotton lining. And will her dress be strapless or with sleeves? I think she’s going to be excited, and probably a little warmer due to that excitement, so you wouldn’t want to overdo it.
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaIf your main fabric has really nice drape, I wonder whether cotton lining would also interfere? What about silk or Bemberg rayon for the lining? That will maintain the drape of your suiting. Also, silk is warm. If she’s wearing lots of layers under the dress and Spanx and tights and everything, she may be warmer than you think even if the dress is bare up top. Plus, the excitement, as mentioned.
It will go up to 60 here tomorrow, April 1. So I guess I got my wish.:)
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiEven though 60ºF, 15ºC might not sound cold to the North Americans who have just survived a nasty winter, in Australia it’s Autum/Fall and we are coming off a lovley warm summer, well comparatively for our area which is colder than the rest of Australia. Also we consider 10º or 11ºC, 50ºF maximums to be unreasonably cold! Out come the down jackets on goes the heaters, in fact the down jackets have probably been out much longer and the heaters probably went on at about 65ºF, 17 ºC!
I have though about silk, I’m not sure how easy it will be to find at Spotlight. I’m hoping we can find a wool suiting. It’s a comparatively casual wedding, beautiful dress but afternoon tea reception in the church hall, so I suspect there won’t be lots of under layers 🙂 I think the dress has straps but no sleeves. But outdoor photos in the late afternoon could be cold! By our standards 🙂
Enjoy your warm weather, Meleliza!
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5I am with Heidi on this one. We are in Autumn, its 35dC today and we are still swimming every night.
13dC is cold for me too.
No idea on the interlining though, sorry.
10 years ago LINKmkhs @mkhsI think a flannel interlining should be fine, especially if it is a thin, shifty flannel. I’ve lined two with flannel, one of which was wool suiting, and they both hang nicely.
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaYou all sound like Californians. 🙂 We have a Swedish woman who lives with us right now, and she has been laughing at our “harsh” winter, though, so it’s all perspective. Today it was up in the mid 50s and while still cold in the shade with the wind blowing, in the sun in the park it was absolutely lovely! It was really hard to leave and go home to homework, dinner, clean up, bedtime and all that jazz.
Heidi, maybe you just need to see what they have and feel it lined up together. Unroll a good bit from the bolt and layer the different fabrics together to see how they hang. The only right answer here is what feels right to you at the time.
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiThanks for all your time to reply. I like the suggestion of checking the fabric together at the shop 🙂 Thanks mkhs for the info that you’ve used flannel for the lining. Nicole, I like the idea of swimming everyday, very much a childhood memory, but 37ºC (99ºF) I can do without! 🙂 It was 28 ºC (82ºF) today, very pleasant.
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