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Interfacing glue on iron…eek!

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    speedymog @speedymog

    Hi Everyone, I’m hoping someone knows how to get what I assume is interfacing glue off the teflon soleplate of my iron… any help is appreciated!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I heat up the iron and rub it off carefully with a big wad of cloth (whatever I have handy). You can also buy “hot iron cleaner”. I’m not sure where from, but probably the supermarket?

    Robin @Robin

    Used dryer sheets are fantastic for getting gunk off of hot irons.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Do you use Enjo?

    The marble paste does an amazing job, as does the green kitchen mitt.

    speedymog @speedymog

    Thanks for all your suggestions – I’ll have to try rubbing it off with cloth, although I’ve already kind of tried that. I rarely use my dryer, so I don’t have dryer sheets (thanks Robin) and I don’t have any Enjo products Nicole but I really appreciate everybody’s input. Cheers, Morgana.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I just found this but cannot vouch for it

    ”One method I’ve had success with in the past is ironing foil, shiny side up, with table salt on it. I can’t remember who taught me that trick, but it works.”

    Two words Goddess Cloth http://oliverands.com/supplies/OLV-LCS00010.html

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw
    JenniferP @JenniferP

    I can vouch for the dryer sheets, I was surprised at the gunk that came off my iron. I would put the sheet on the edge of the ironing board and push hard on the iron dragging it along the edge of the ironing board. Ask a friend who uses them to give you a couple, I’ve done that for one of my friends whose husband is allergic to the sheets. Oh, and I have used new dryer sheets as well. The only difference (I think) is that some of the oily stuff on the sheet gets transferred to the iron, so I would just iron a press cloth or other random scrap to get it off. Good luck!

    speedymog @speedymog

    Thanks again everyone, I’ve discovered that I can get an iron cleaning stick from a shop not too far away. I’ll definitely consider the Goddess Cloth Nicole; and thankyou JenniferP for the dryer sheets recommendation, but I live in Australia and everyone I know uses a clothes line to dry their washing and only very rarely use a dryer (it shrinks everything!). I have to admit that I don’t know what a dryer sheet is! Thanks again everyone – what’s a wonderful community we’ve got going here 🙂

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