Oliver + S

Increasing Sleeve for Gathers (i.e. Puffed Sleeves)

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    April Henry @April1930s

    I’d like to add some width (I’m assuming) to the blouse sleeve so that I can have actual gathers making them a little bit more puffy at the shoulder. Any recommendations on the best way to do this to achieve the desired result without altering the pattern’s technical elements?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I would move the pattern away from the fold and the refold the side seam to resemble the original sleeve from the under arm point.

    Would that work? Just off the top of my head!!!!!

    April Henry @April1930s

    I don’t remember the sleeve being cut on the fold (haven’t cut it out yet), but maybe I’m not visualizing correctly as to what you describe. Here’s my vision – I’d upsize this pattern, but I think I gave it away and it would be too small now anyway; plus, I really want to use Liesl’s pattern with the little pintucks.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Sorry April ! I was running off to the baby !

    I meant to say , if one folded the sleeve piece in half and placed on the fold and then did the other, but I have not tried it, so it may not work!

    Is that the Music Class? I LOVE that one but have not made it yet !

    I am sure whatever you do will be gorgeous !

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have just remembered , I saw that done once!

    I think you cut the sleeve pattern in half , and lay it so you have a large V at the shoulder seam, which will give more fullness, then recut the cuff straight, so the rest is the same ( all on tracing paper)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi April, I found the correct way to do this in an old book of my mothers.

    One cut the sleeve in several sections vertically , spaces , then matches the lines up.

    I f you are still interested , let me know and I will get my son to scan of the diagram, if not , no worries !

    April Henry @April1930s

    OH, yes – scans would be wonderful! (and I love old sewing books – my favorite pastime read!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/4881212469/ I hope this is useful April, The book had all sorts .

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