Oliver + S

In person: classes, retreats, etc.

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    Liesl Gibson

    I’m just back from my trip to CA and wanted to drop in to tell you all how much fun it is to meet you in person! I got to spend some time with Sarvi while I was in LA and loved every minute of it. And it was wonderful to meet so, so many other customers and on-line friends while I was away, too! I met quite a few people who I’ve known on-line for a very long time, and it was amazing!

    Can we do this more often? Retreats, perhaps? Maybe we can find some central locations that would be convenient for small groups to meet up. I’m totally open to ideas! And yes, Australia, you really are on my list.

    Masha Richart

    We’ll be relocating to the DC metro area this summer … a Liesl&Co retreat would be awesome!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Lucky Sarvi!!

    I would love to join in on the retreats! I live central Illinois but would be willing to drive a few hours.


    meleliza @meleliza

    Roundtheworldgirl, you’ll be right around the corner! I’m in Philly. πŸ™‚ I would love an East Coast meetup. Anywhere from DC to NYC is pretty easy to travel to. But I think the garment district makes NY the most exciting destination. Still, if you decide to split the difference and have it here, I would be happy to help organize. πŸ™‚

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yay! It really is so much fun to get together, not only with other people who sew, but with people from here. You sort of have the same vocabulary and then learning more about the person behind the sewing is so interesting. A lot of people whose work you admire are probably pretty inaccessible, so I’d encourage everybody who can make it to a workshop or retreat to try one since family companies like O+S are an exception to that rule. Talking shop and socializing too is a treat!

    Nicole @motherof5

    What a lovely thing to do!

    Sydney would be the perfect place to meet.

    Although Melbourne is very pretty too.

    It depends on sizing of the meet ups, there are a lot of Australian fans. There may need to be a few sittings….

    Tamara @justsewit

    Where are the Aussie numbers mostly situated? I’m not sure of how many there are in the West but I know I am not the only one.

    I am surprised you didn’t put a plug in for Adelaide Nicole. It would be a great place for a retreat/ meet up.

    Hinjul5 @Hinjul5

    I’m a fellow Aussie, and live in north queensland. I would love to come to some classes or a retreat, and agree that Sydney/Melbourne would be wonderful locations. Given enough time save the money for travel/spending and I’ll be there.

    Robin @Robin

    If you meet in Adelaide you can go to Country Bumpkin.

    Sherry @mim22

    I am in Sydney, Blue Mountains but will happily travel interstate. Sounds fun, it would be so lovely to meet everyone and put faces to names. I feel like I know everyone already from reading about your families. Hope Tamara and Nicole you are faring ok with the heat. I can feel my mojo coming back, it has been lost for a while. Wouldn’t it be lovely if Oprah or Ellen could charter a plane and bring all our overseas sewing friends over, what a party, will keep dreaming.

    Greenpip @Greenpip

    Oh yes another Aussie who would happily travel to Sydney or Melbourne for a workshop with Liesl and the chance to meet all the lovely ladies here. Of course a retreat somewhere like Port Douglas in the middle of winter would also be great! A chance to build a dream family holiday around that but probably not realistic!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes Robin it would the prime spot to visit when in Adelaide.

    Mim22 at the moment we are ok as far as heat is concerned but I was just watching a report on the weather in the east and all the fires that have sprung up. Bit worrying! Hope you are ok over there Nicole! Perth has just had a huge fire where some 56 homes were lost! But it shouldn’t deter a visit should it?

    I’d be happy to go to Adelaide for a visit. Such a pretty place and I haven’t seen alot of it at all (but then I would say that about all the other cities apart from Perth anyway)

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I could do NY. I got peeps there.

    I could do DC. I got peeps there.

    I could do TO. πŸ™‚ I would love TO. That’s only 2 hours, plus the border (which is 30 seconds to 8 hours, depending). But I don’t know your Canadian following.

    Give me advance notice to save my pennies!

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