Oliver + S

Ice Cream Social

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    Nicole @motherof5

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/amygunson/4759086708/ , I found this and it looks like fun !

    badskirt @badskirt

    Yes! I am cohosting the Ice Cream Social sewalong and we would love to have everyone join us. More details are available both in our flickr group:

    Strawberry ice cream with cashew nuts!

    and at my blog:


    We also have a giveaway going on in conjunction with the sewalong. Oliver + S has generously donated patterns, and other sponsors (including myself) have donated more fabric and patterns to giveaway to people who participate.

    We’ll be posting a FAQ and more information about how the sewalong works on Monday July 5th. We officially kick off and start sewing on July 18th! We hope you join us.

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