Oliver + S

I just want to cry. (warning – rant/vent)

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    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    My Sil, who is on a military base 2000 miles away, spent over 70.00 at JoAnn’s to get denim to make uniform skirts for school for my niece. She paid a neighbor who knew how to sew to make them for her. My mom visited them a few weeks ago, and brought back the skirts to be fixed. I don’t think they can be. None of the denim was prewashed, the seams were not finished and were graded in places right down to the seam line. After being washed, these skirts are literally coming apart. Money is so tight for my Brother’s family, and I just want to cry at the mess, these skirts are now.

    Argh. I know we all have made mistakes while sewing, and I’ve made my share. There are so many people out here in forums like this who are happy to help each other. I just wish this person had reached out.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Excellent idea for a thread!

    How awful!

    Obviously the lady in question didn’t know how to sew……but you would think she could read! Even the most basic of patterns suggests that you pre-wash the fabric!

    That why I rarely sew for others,the guilt would kill me if I stuffed it up.

    I am sorry for your SIL.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I hate to hear this. Money is tight for alot of people right now and if the gal didn’t know how to sew (which sounds like she didn’t really) then she shouldn’t have offered to make them. I can’t beleive that she was even paid, all I get is charity sewing for others for them just to tell me I need to sell dress. Oh well.

    Yes, I do love the forums for all the wonderful sewing help you ladies have been . I have learned so much here in the past 6 months!

    I hope it all works out for your SIL!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh gosh! how awfully frustrating. If I was her (which I’m obviously not) I would have asked you to do them but then you do put your trust into someone who is so willing to help when it goes belly up it is just so darned disappointing.

    I’ve made things for others but only because I insisted and they (fortunately) have been very grateful and luckily I knew enough to actually wash the fabric first!

    Oooh! this is a lesson that had to be learned on all accounts.

    I hope they can be saved somehow.


    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh, Kate, this is so awful! I want to cry for you and for your SIL! How disappointed she must feel, and never mind the worry and frustration over spending the money and then paying the lady to sew them! Good grief. What kind of skirt was she sewing?


    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    Thank you everyone. One of the skirts is gored, and looks very nice on my niece. As I’m carefully taking it apart, it’s shredding in places. My thought on attempting to salvage this skirt, is to use my serger/coverstitch machine, and flatlock the gores. I’d then coverstitch colored ribbon over the flatlocked gores in an attempt to stablize it further. The other skirt is much worse, and very ill fitting, so I think I can save that with the addition of side gores and kick pleats. This whole experience is making me thank my lucky stars for the people who taught me how to sew, and drilled pre-washing material into my head!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    So sorry to hear this — I know money’s so tight right now for everyone. Your plan to reinforce the seams sounds like a good one. Best of luck, I hope you’re able to salvage them!

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