Oliver + S

I didn't check the test square on the digital pattern!

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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    And now my Sunny Days shorts are too narrow! I was making a pair to go with a Tea Party dress. I had been thinking they looked very narrow but when the waistband was to big I went back and checked. No it hadn’t printed correctly 🙁 Now I need to work out what went wrong, As I thought I had used my regular settings. Oh well, I may have to use the big computer to print it out.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    OH rats, Heidi!!! I print out at the library, and the printing options have changed from “none” to “actual size” (whatever that means). I now check with ruler that square = 1 inch before I print the whole thing. No help to you but I sympathise. What a pip!!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    And I just get a Hugo to do it……

    What a pain, sorry Heidi.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    It would seriously add your farm’s income if you could clone the ‘ handy hugo’, N. What a precious boy he is! I know I shouldn’t, but I’d be so thrilled if the bump is a boy. Some dear friends in Melbourne have just had one – Benjamin – the first in the family for 9 years. Frabjous day!! He arrived a good month early but all well, and everyone (inc. his 2 yr old sister) thrilled!!! Makes one feel very clucky.

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