Oliver + S

How to make the cuff wider

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    Kim @kmac0107

    I made this shirt for my grandson age 1.6 in a size 18- 24 mo, in flannel fabric, for the holidays and it fit well. The cuffs would not button around his wrist. It may be because the flannel fabric is thick? I thought it was the length of the sleeves but the cuffs were at his wrist and would not button. Would I just add onto the width, of the cuff pattern piece, and let that width extend beyond where the the bottom of the sleeve is sewn inside the cuff?

    Tamara @justsewit

    How much do you think you would need to get the button to be enclosed? You could do a narrower seam when doing the sides of the cuff piece. Or you could either ,are the pleat narrower or take it out completely and add whatever the allowance for the pleat is to the cuff piece. If they were laying where they should be and wouldn’t buttons because of the fabric, maybe try press studs instead?

    Hope this is helpful


    Nicole @motherof5

    I completely agree with removing the pleat and added some width to the cuff.

    It would be the easiest method.

    Kim @kmac0107

    Thank you and taking out the pleat make sense.

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