Oliver + S

how do you finish armscye seams?

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    meleliza @meleliza

    I’m working on a playdate dress and thinking of using flat felled seams, which is one of my favorite finishes, but I’ve never tried it on armholes before. any thoughts? how do you like to finish seams?

    Nicole @motherof5

    When I made the Playdate Dress I overlocked all the raw edges first, then sewed it up!

    It meant I did not have to fuss finishing tiny seams.

    I used flat seams. What are flat felled seams again please? I know I have been told, sorry!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Hi Nicole – I am eager to find out as much as I can about overlocking shortcuts! Do you often overlock the edges of your cut pieces first? Is there any time you would not do it? I have done it on some linen recently and it was so great for stopping the pieces fraying as I was sewing it up as well! I do remember Liesl mentioning it can distort the fabric but I have only done it on heavy linen and corduroy so far so that hasn’t been much of a problem – how about for you?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Good to hear from you Miranda!

    Goodness , I did not realize it may distort seams, I haven’t noticed any problems….

    It may ”eat” a very fine muslin.

    I overlocked all of the School Photo dress seams first and then bound the armholes.

    As a rule, if the seam is going to be flat seam, I overlock first.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’ve never used an overlocking stitch before, but my new sewing machine has a few to choose from. However, I already spent a couple of weeks trying out its functions on “test” projects, that I was eager to dive into a “real” project and didn’t finish testing the many functions. Maybe after I finish this, I will try the overlock.

    Flat-felled seams are the kind used on denim and on men’s dress shirts. I saw the technique in a British sewing mag when I was in England and loved it! I’m making this dress out of chambray, so I thought it might be charming and help make the dress more casual. I’m really partial to totally finished seams, so I definately need to learn a bound seam.

    In the end, I didn’t think the playdate sleeves were a good fit for this, so I just pinked them. It was getting late and I ran out of determination to find another solution. But I really am interested in finding a nice way to finish armscyes.

    Kim @kmac0107

    I also use my serger to finish the raw edges of the seams before I sew that pattern together. Not the hems that will be folded twice. Then I can press the seams open or towards the sleeves. April has a tutorial on the Oliver & S blog page for flat felled seams. It is in the right hand column under tutorials.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I often times serge as well. However, you can also make a narrow bias tape from your fabric and enclose the seam. It’s a lovely way to finish off seams.

    meleliza @meleliza

    yes, that’s a nice idea for sure.

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