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help with music box jumper

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    little stitch @little stitch

    i’m a newbie to sewing and ask yr help. working on music jumper and i’m stuck on assemble the yoke 2,3 etc. can anyone help figure out how to put the yoke together. i’m so confused. many thanks, big stitches

    Nicole @motherof5

    I will see if I can help.

    By step 3 you have made two yokes.

    Next sew a seam allowance guide on one piece and press that in place using the stitch line as a guide line. That is now the yoke facing.

    Pin the yokes together(step 4)with the right sides together. Stitch together,stitching over the pre pressed folds.

    The pattern shows the stitching clearly.

    Can you explain where you are getting into trouble?

    little stitch @little stitch

    Thank you so much for your help. At 57 I have a slow learning curve LOL. Let me explain what I am up to on the pattern. I finished step one and realize the 2nd step is to iron the bottom and sides of yoke seams. Step 3 is what is confusing (and thereafter) When cutting the pattern, the front yoke I cut one but I think I need 2 as I,m looking at it now, back I cut 4, Do i have another set of What I just completed? How do I attach to the other set and pull thru arm. Thank you again for yr gracious help. Anna

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi Anna.

    You should cut two front pieces and four back pieces.

    Sew these together as directed in the pattern and you will have two yoke pieces, an outer yoke and a lining yoke.

    Place the two yokes right side together(so the seams are on the outside) and pin and sew as directed on the pattern sheet. Sew with a 1/2 inch seam allowance.

    Trim and clip the seams,the pattern shows clearly how to do this.

    You can now carefully pull the yoke through. Put your fingers in side from the front and hold the back yoke and slowly pull it through to the right side.

    Repeat with the other back yoke.

    Roll the seam gently under your fingers(it can help to damping it slightly)until the seam is flat.

    Press it smooth with your fingers and then press well with the iron.

    Good Luck Anna.


    Nicole @motherof5
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