Oliver + S

happy holidays!

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    Liesl Gibson

    I want to personally thank each of you who read the forums for being part of our little community. You’ve all enriched my life with your enthusiasm for sewing, support for each other, and your encouragement for our little company. I enjoy reading your posts and getting to know you through this venue.

    Have a wonderful holiday, and I look forward to spending 2011 with you!



    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Everybody have a wonderful new year!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sarvi broke the drought so I can post !

    Wishing all my fabulously talented friends a very happy and safe Christmas, where ever you are and what ever your beliefs!

    Enjoy the day!


    claireabel @claireabel

    Merry Christmas all!

    My little buttons are tucked up in bed, very excited about the morning. Hope you all have a wonderful time with your families over the coming weeks.

    runciblespoon @runciblespoon

    Happy holidays to you all!

    We’ve just checked Santacam and are very excited to see that he’s already out delivering, so those of you in Australia should have stockings waiting for you. Hope he makes it to us soon – we’ve left a log with lichen on it out for the reindeer (and the boys are expecting toothmarks on it in the morning…)

    Anonymous @

    Yes, the kids are very excited to see that Santa is on his way – in Newfoundland last we checked! Now I’m off to wrap their gifts. Merry Christmas!!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Thank you Liesl (and Oliver and S) for the all the fun and community you’ve brought me this year. I very much look forward to 2011 with all of you.

    Gifts are wrapped, Santa has visited and the roast is in the pot for an over night cook. It’s time for some hot cider and a Christmas show with the hubby. Happy Christmas everyone!

    Justine J @justmejay

    Merry Christmas to all – and to all a goodnight!

    It’s now Christmas night here and my kids are again all tucked up in bed 🙂

    Thanks for all the wonderful sewing and friendship…

    btw – Runciblespoon – the reindeers feasted on carrots and celery here – they sure did leave a mess on our verandah! (ahhhh….the things we do!!)


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