Oliver + S


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    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    I’ve just been hanging up my washing in the garden and out of the basket came a 2+2 blouse.

    2 + 2 blouse

    It occurred to me that it fills me with happiness to hang it up to dry in the sunshine! I love it. I love seeing my little girl in it.

    I was just wondering what O and S item makes other people happy like this. If you could choose just one thing!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Oh , only one? Happiness for me will be when everything is o+s……

    Just one thing, it would have to be Little Ones Cord Icecream Dress, she is wearing it every third day with skivvy’s and tights.

    Nicole @motherof5
    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    Honestly, it’s when DD#2 wears her ruffle tops. She looks so cute in them. I’m pretty pleased when she wears her ice cream dress, too. Mostly because I got the worst of the stains out of it when she chose to throw up on it! Eww! I think she’s happiest in her bubble dress, though. If the stains on that one are anything to go by (much less organic, and a whole lot more of them!)

    Nicole @motherof5

    You never really feel the same about something after they have been sick on it, do you ?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Indeed, pure happiness for me will be when I can sew during each of my girl’s naps and fill her wardrobe with all mommy made O and S! She is really beginning to love things I make for her and that makes me pretty happy too. :). My favorite on her right now is one of her ruffle tops. Or maybe a new ice cream dress?? Oh my…too many choices!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I am currently loving the 2+2 blouses too. However, I recently went through my daughter’s old clothes to find all on my gender neutral baby stuff (expecting #2 any time now!) and I came across the first item of clothing that I sewed last year for her- and O+S tea party dress. I truely do get excited every time I get to dress her in something that I made for her! And tomorrow, I am hoping to go shopping for some fabric for a rain jacket for this fall!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Good luck with the impending birth, craftalittle ! X Nicole

    KarenK @KarenK

    I love all of them but currently my fave is the Ruffle Halter. So easy to make, so cute, great fit for modesty.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I think the Ice Cream tops make me happiest because they look so sweet on my little one.

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