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Gathering stitches?

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    sewingbunny @sewingbunny


    I am currently working on the ruffled halter, but I have no idea what gathering stitches are. I have just sewed two lines of stitches but there is no pull to it. Just about to take the seam ripper to it…

    Please help.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Set your stitch length to 4,then they will gather.

    Good luck!

    this may help http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com/2011/02/ruffled-halter-top-its-free.html

    Jan M @Jan M

    I prefer to loosen my tension, and not use a very large stitch length for gathering. It usually creates prettier gathers and ruffles, IMO. It may depend upon your machine, but I loosen the tension to about 3 and use a stitch length of 3.0. If I am using a very lightweight or fine fabric, I may use an even smaller stitch length of 2.5.

    Try to remember and pull the bobbin thread. You need to also try and always pull the same thread. If you pull the needle thread on one side of your garment, and the bobbin thread from the other side, the threads will lock. If the gathering threads will always be hidden within a seam, or if you plan on removing them, you might try using a different colored thread in your bobbin. It will make it a little easier to remember which thread to pull for gathering.

    sewingbunny @sewingbunny

    Motherof5 and JanM – thank you for the reply. I used Jan M’s method. Am impressed that two lines of stitches, and a pull here and there gets me nice gathers and ruffles.

    Motherof5 – I had a quick look at your blog. Good job! Where do you find the time?! The tutorial for the ruffled halter is brilliant. I will try the narrow zigzag stitches to finish the edges of the ruffles the next time I make this garment – it gives it a different look. Also, I didn’t think about the top of the ruffles. I hope mine doesn’t ravel over time. Being a total beginner, I follow the instructions word by word, reading it a few times to make sure I get it right.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Two lines of gathering help to keep theseam allowance in its proper position and not pop through to the side they are not meant to be on. I like to lengthen my stitch to 3.5 and do two rows of gathering. It makes it not too loose but not too tight either. I may lengthen just a bit more on heavier fabrics though.

    I also pull my threads through to one side and tie them off to keep the gathers in place, especially when I’m working with lots of gathering – always helpful or else they will disperse when you go to sew.

    Glad you learned something new to help you progress with your sewing Sewingbunny.

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