Oliver + S

Flickr update!

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    vothgirl @vothgirl

    @cybele727 thanks for the info on adding pics to groups with the new app update! I just tried it and it works. Cumbersome that you have to do it individually for each picture, but at least they re-added that feature. That being said, the new layout is still annoying šŸ˜›

    Definitely interested to see what direction the group of dedicated O+S sewists goes with photo/project sharing – I’m pretty new to the group but have so enjoyed admiring other people’s work and getting inspiration to venture outside basic pattern directions – as so many of you have proven, they’re great launching pads for all sorts of creativity! šŸ™‚

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Juliamom- Can you access both of your instagram accounts from your smart phone without logging out and back in?

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    Hi Rebecca – you have to log out/in to post. You can view both together though.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    You are so right, vothgirl about the inspiration, and sheer pleasure provided by pics in the O+S flickr group. I have to view in library because my download capacity at home is very small, but it’s worth the wait – every time!!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    The nice thing used to be that if you had an idea, like, I wonder what this would look like with printed contrast panels and solid main? vs solid contrast and printed main? has anybody done this in [corduroy? lawn? linen? chambray? stripes? florals? lights? darks?] you could pull up all the versions of that pattern and get a sort of preview. Oh, I love it/hate it in that combo I was thinking of trying.

    That sort of thing. Wish there were a wholesale way of migrating the O+S group, but that would be kind of a huge project of cat-herding everybody to move their photos en masse.

Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)

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