Oliver + S

Finished Fairy Tale but not the best fit

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    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    I’m so disappointed. I first made view A of this dress for my daughter for a Halloween princess dress and it fit her perfectly. I didn’t bother making a muslin before I made view B for her Christmas dress and assumed it would fit her the same way. Well, when the sash is tied, it cinches the waist (obviously) and makes it appear too big at the chest and armholes. Oh well. There doesn’t seem to be a fix, and it probably won’t be noticeable to anyone but me, but I really hoped this would be a perfect fit.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Would popping it on inside out and hand sewing a tuck down either side seam work?

    Then you could let it out next year.

    Or tie the sash loosely?

    I am sorry,what a shame.

    xx N

    meleliza @meleliza

    Yes, the sash affects the fit just a little bit. I had to fuss wit it quite a lot to get it just right, but I think if you tie it a little looser it should work, stand her in front of a mirror while you tie it so you can see how the front looks too. Otherwise, Nicole’s suggestion is a good one. Take it in a little at the chest to balance it better.

    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    Thank you, ladies. It’s not actually that bad at second glance, but I might try to nip the side seams a little bit with a tiny tuck. I could always rip it out if it doesn’t look right. Tried tying the sash a little looser per your suggestion and that did seem to work a bit, but there is still just a little extra. Nice to know she’ll have room to grow though! I figured this dress would be short-lived since it is so fitted (or so I thought!).

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