Oliver + S


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    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    Is there a place we’re supposed to post our photos? Here’s a link to my Facebook post, for now: https://www.facebook.com/jodi.harvatin/posts/10204653014229746?comment_id=10204656837325321&offset=0&total_comments=4&notif_t=feed_comment

    Hope that works. I did make this post public. Oh and I made it with a rounded neck because I liked it better that way. 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    There is a Flickr group here https://www.flickr.com/groups/oliverands/

    but I am off for a peek.

    Well done you!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Gorgeous colour, I can’t comment as I don’t ‘do’ FB, but it’s lovely.!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Wow that was worth asking all those questions wasn’t it? Fab job. Well done.

    Robin @Robin

    Congratulations Jodi. What’s up next?

    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    Thank you all for your help! It’s not perfect, but I still love it. I’ve never done buttonholes before, so I practiced a few times and they were easy. The problem is that I forgot to change out my green thread that I practiced with before I did the real buttonholes! So, the buttonholes are green instead of pink! It’s fine, though. I don’t mind. What’s next? Well, I ordered some linen and I want to try this in linen. I want to make a tunic version, too. Then, I’m going to make a jacket for my daughter–more buttonholes! LOL. I got the pattern when it was discounted, but the fabric I want to use is $22/yd! EEK! It’s a wide corduroy, for warmth. I’m going to make the Hide and Seek dress, in bright purple linen, for a friend. She’s knitting my daughter something and we’re going to trade. I’m just so excited that I know how to make this dress, now. I’m thinking linen, corduroy, flannel….warm fabrics for wintertime! 🙂

    jodskiinca @jodskiinca

    I just looked at the flickr group. Now, I’m going to have to win the lottery, so that I can afford all of the fabric I’ll need to make all of the things I love on that page!!! I think the Playtime Dress might be my next O&S pattern!

    I added my pics to the Flickr group, too. 🙂

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