Oliver + S

Favorite waistband elastic?

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’ve noticed quite a bit of variation in elastics at my local shop — there are non-roll ones, but those can seem kind of stiff. The softest one that I like is a bit narrow and I worry it might feel too ‘wiry’ around a tiny waist. Do you have a specific favorite brand or source?

    mkhs @mkhs

    I have some nice, soft non-roll elastic that I picked up at our local Big Lots-type store. It’s 3/4″, which is a great all-purpose width, and made by Conrad-Jarvis Corp (of Pawtucket, RI, they claim proudly).

    Nicole @motherof5

    I ‘squeeze’ my fruit, so to speak.

    Often, if you give the elastic a stretch, the dressing will break and you can see how soft the elastic will be.

    I buy mine online, so I will order a few metres and if I like it, go back and order a roll.

    As I generally use a thicker fabric for bottoms I have not had any complaints about the non-roll (but my children all wear singlets year ’round)

    If you like the thin stuff, you could always use multiple channels?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I found my local Woolworths has the best 20mm and 9mm elastic. It has great recovery, is soft and seems to wear well. Unfortunately this is probably not helpful Sarvi as it is the Australian Woollies!

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