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Favorite fabric for lining coats and jackets?

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    bren5kids @bren5kids

    I have sewed very few coats or jackets, and I’m wondering what are your favorite lining fabrics. Are there natural fiber alternatives to acetate, or whatever that slippery stuff is that most jackets are lined with? I know there is silk, but for a child’s jacket that seems a little impractical and extravagant.

    Liesl Gibson

    My preferred slippery-type lining is nearly always Bemberg rayon. It’s surprisingly durable (much more than China silk), comes in a huge range of colors, and isn’t too terribly difficult to manage. Acetate kind of freaks me out, and China silk breaks just doesn’t last. You can find it at most stores, too!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I use cotton for the body (especially on play coats) as I find busy children can get a bit sweaty after running and playing (but a cold winter for us is 12d).

    I like to use bemsilk (which may be the same as bemberg) for the arms as that is where they can get a bit stuck dressing themselves.

    I don’t know if it is rayon but it takes far more heat from the iron the acetate.

    I have used scraps of satin too http://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/8546857169/in/set-72157632558289352/ , my bigger girls especially like that.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I like Bemberg Rayon too. For winter coats, I might line the body with something snugglier and the sleeves only with Rayon. If you look at well made ready to wear, sleeves are sometimes a different fabric than the body. For a spring jacket, I might use cotton for the body and Bemberg for the sleeves. But I also often use Bemberg for the whole lining. I dislike the way acetate makes me sweat. Bemberg is much more comfortable and it’s washable too. Sometimes it all depends on what I can find too and how it matches. Joann usually carries a limited range of colors in Bemberg, but it’s great when you can get it with a coupon. Online sources have greater selection of colors. Fabric.com and Hart’s both carry it.

    Anonymous @

    I also use Bemberg rayon lining for the sleeves. It is washable and holds up well. It’s also quite inexpensive and easy to find. I like to use a fun cotton print for the body and hood.

    bren5kids @bren5kids

    Thanks so much, ladies, for the help! It sounds like bemberg rayon is the way to go. I never thought about lining the sleeves and body in different fabrics, but that makes perfect sense.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I have used flannel backed satin for coats that I needed to be warm. I bought some from my local, independent fabric store and some from JoAnn’s- the stuff from the local store was much nicer. (but they didn’t have pink, so I couldn’t use it for all of the coats that I made. 🙂 )

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