Fall '12 Pattern Talk
12 years ago LINK
Jess M. @mommy2maria
Really? Reallyy???? I’m the first person to bring it up here?
I’m really excited about these!
I’m not sure on the Book Report Dress, but only because I can’t see it up close and personal! I have the feeling once they start pouring into the flickr pool, I’m going to adore it!
I love the Fairy Tale Dress and the cargo pants!
I can’t wait to buy these! Saving up my pennies now! 😀
Great job Liesl and Todd!
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh I was tempted but having just woken up to the day, I took a while so you beat me to it and just aswell.
It’s too fantastic! That boy’s pattern will be very well used – with a son and a little nephew and hopefully my daughter will be partial to it also.
I adore the classic style of the Fairy tale dress. It is just so feminine and pretty and what girls should be wearing (especially girls my daughter’s age) instead of some of the things that turn up in the department stores – urgh! This is why I sew their clothes! Because we can utilise the styles that are simple and classic and beautiful and make them look like children wearing great clothes!
I think miss 9 going on 24 will love the book report dress because it looks roomy and she doesn’t like being constricted. If this is the case it will promptly be made with short sleeves as it is warming up here (the other day was 27 degrees C!) And I can imagine this as something she could lounge about in at home – would probably make a great cover up at the pool! And of course going places. It looks so comfortable!
These are definitely coming to my house – both sizes – and will be sewn before winter hits here again!
Jumping for joy!
12 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Field Trip set. I’ve been thinking about modifing the sandbox pants into cargos for a while but haven’t got there. Now I don’t need to! And the t-shirt, just thinking yesterday it wouldbe great to have anoother t-shirt in particularly for boys, and here it is!! My Christmas sewing just got easier. Well done Liesl and Todd.
12 years ago LINKJane @jesims
The jury is still out on the Book Report dress for me too. I’ve gone back to it a few times and can’t make up my mind on it. I think I need to see some more versions of it.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Fairy Tale dress. I already have my fabrics picked out. I too sew because I can’t stand most of the stuff sold in stores. I saw “short, shorts” (that’s what the label said) a couple weeks ago in the toddler section. Little girls need to wear sweet dresses like this one. I already had an idea of making the sleeveless version w/o the collar and having Piper wear it like a pinafore. So cute, can’t wait.
I’m really excited about the field trip pattern too. Piper is a girl that loves her some dirt and being outside. Of course she likes to do those things in dresses too. She loves pockets (the more the better to carry all of her “stuff”), so I think she will really like the pants.
I’ve already got my money put aside. Can’t wait!
12 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
It’s about time another great boy pattern has come out! With my four I am sure to get lots of use out of it. I will have to buy the pretty dress one too but the boys come first this time around!!
12 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
This release has definitely taken the edge off of my back to school blues. I’ve got plans in my head now and I’m not sure how ill get to sleep! I’ve been searching for a Christmas dress pattern, as I’ve been asked to sew one for a friends daughter. This friend is from the South and about as traditional as you can imagine when it comes to children’s clothes. She loves what I do and I’m really excited because this dress is absolutely perfect! I could find one by Simplicity or whatever, but I know I wont have to worry at all about the pattern if it’s from O+S.
And the cargo pants are what I’ve been looking for for ages! Except that I have little interest in a thing but dresses theses days. It was fun to sew for the boys when they we’re younger but once baby girl came along. I’ve just about ditched the boys. They *destroy* stuff, you know? Especially pants. Plus, younger son goes to a very messy preschool. He’s only allowed to wear the ugliest clothes we have as he comes home covered in paint (or worse) every day. Older son goes to Catholic school and uniforms add up, so his play clothes have been relegated to the cheap as I can get budget. I find I can save money sewing dresses for her, but boys clothes can be had for so cheap that I can’t entirely justify my time on them. But it’s a wonderful pattern I will probably buy anyway. Wonder if it includes instructions for “iron knees?” 🙂
12 years ago LINKsarahb @sarahb
I am so excited about this release! The Field Trip set is a must, as is the Fairy Tale dress! Early on today I wasn’t as sure about the Book Report, I liked it enough to buy it, but wasn’t sure if it’d be a favorite. But now, after thinking on it and looking back at the photo, I see so many possibilities! It would be so cute all in the same print for a different look than the one pictured.
12 years ago LINKmle bb @mle bb
I am soooooo excited about the Fairy Tale Dress!!!!!!! I have had a sketch in my sketchbook for the longest time that needs a fitted bodice and I CANNOT WAIT to get ahold of this pattern! Now I just need a little girl to make one for, having no children of my own i feel that I can only borrow the children of others so often until it gets a bit overwhelming. Soooo searching for a little girl who wants a new party dress…who knows who might be getting a new lovely for their closet. 🙂 I cannot wait to see what you all are going to make with these new patterns! Thanks Liesl and Todd for the peeks and I look forward to learning more about each new style 🙂
12 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I am in love with the field trip. My son feels bad that I don’t make him clothes but he’s 6 and he’s picky about being overdressed for school. I can make these and he won’t be overdressed.
Love th e fairy tale but have no need doe super dressy for my wee one. Book report is kinda funky and modern and perfect for a 3 year old! Roomy with pockets!
12 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
I am in love with the field trip. My son feels bad that I don’t make him clothes but he’s 6 and he’s picky about being overdressed for school. I can make these and he won’t be overdressed.
Love the fairy tale but have no need for super dressy for my wee one. Book report is kinda funky and modern and perfect for a 3 year old! Roomy with pockets!
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Meleliza I hear you on the boys destroying stuff! I have ripped pairs of sandbox pants in places that don’t have a seam so hence the repair is much more difficult if you don’t add a patch. At least we can be assured of some reinforcement with these pants.
They will however promptly be shortened and I am hoping to try some out for school (probably minus the side pockets) just so that he has something to wear other than elasticated shorts for the uniform shop! The t-shirt will also promptly eradicate all existing scraps of stretch fabric that currently crowd a shelf in my sewing cupboard – we will have a lot of fun colour combinations I am sure!
Christmas is now sorted and I am thrilled!
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Fabulous as usual!
12 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
My mental pattern wish list was for pants with articulated knees (then I can make them out of Kevlar, so they don’t wear out AND he can still walk) and I’ve always wanted a boys long sleeve t pattern.
12 years ago LINKKarenK @KarenK
I’m excited about the Book Report. I see it as a great option for those who are sewing for girls who are growing up but not quite old enough for preteen styles. I can see my almost 9-year old daughter loving it with leggings, boots, skinny jeans, a fun scarf, maybe a big necklace, all kinds of possibilities. She still loves a good princess-y dress, but more and more is liking things a little less “sweet”. I can’t wait to see more of it in the Flickr Group.
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
It never ceases to amaze me how Liesl manages to make a pattern work for a baby up to a teenager!
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