Oliver + S

fairy tale collar popping up

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    Mel @Mel

    I just finished the fairy tale dress in a quilting cotton lined with lightweight voile. The collar fit fine when I attached. I understitched and everything but when my daughter puts it on the collar pops up. I tacked the back as per the instructions, should I do the same with the front? thanks!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Oh I feel better. Happens to mine too. Thought it was my crappy sewing skills. πŸ™‚

    Mel @Mel

    well that’s really helpful!! (hehehe).

    I tacked it down and it seems to be fine. Hopefully it doesn’t pull too much. I wonder why it’s happening?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Did you clip well into the neckline?

    I didn’t use the collar when I made mine. It is such a little collar I guess there is not a lot of weight to pull it down.

    If it really bothers you I would get the child to try it on and tack it(if they will let you)or mark it,in situ.

    It is jolly cute.

    Mel @Mel

    Hmmm, I did clip the neckline but maybe not enough. I’ll keep it in mind for next time.

    Yeah, my kids are even leery of me leaving pins in when I get them to try things, I can’t imagine either one would let me come near them with a needle in my hand!!

    I just held it down and put a few stitches from the lining to the front in the front of the collar. It seemed to work when J. tried it on this evening.

    It is a super cute dress and worth the effort, I’ll post pictures next week when we get back from vacation.

    sarahb @sarahb

    One side of the collar kept pooping up too. I was thinking if tacking it down as the back.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    I made one out of quilting cotton and it would not lay down so I tacked it in front and back, teeny weeny stitches; they are not visible. It has washed and worn fine. I made another in silk and it laid down correctly. I still tacked it in back.

    lattemama @lattemama

    Might it be that the over collar isn’t quite long enough? My aunt keeps noticing that when I don’t bother to trim the under collar to compensate for the turn of cloth …

    scgoble @scgoble

    I read all the discussions here even if I don’t participate because I know I’ll always learn something. Well, I will have y’all know that I dreamed about your wayward collars last night. I don’t recall the details but suffice it to say it was really on my mind!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    You know, I noticed that they pretty yellow linen version that sometimes appears on the website home page, that collar… it pops up a bit too! πŸ™‚

    Mel @Mel

    hehehe, scgoble!!! Glad to know I’m not the only one with sewing related dreams πŸ™‚

    The stitches stood up to washing and repeated wear over the last week and the collar has been behaving itself. I’ll keep your advice in mind for next time, though, lattemama. Thanks for that.

    Here’s a photo of the collar (and my girl showing off her missing tooth). Excuse the wrinkles, we were away and the iron in the room was the next best thing to useless!!


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