Oliver + S

Fabric requirements

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    finishedgarment @finishedgarment

    The yardage for the size 7 croquet dress is 2 yards of fabric A and 1 of fabric B. If I’m using all the same fabric, for view B, about how much do I need? Three yards seems like a lot.

    Thank you!

    Nicole @motherof5

    From memory, there is a waist band cut on the bias? That would use a reasonable amount of fabric. That may be what pushes the yardage up.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    I’ve made several with all one fabric in sizes 5 or 6, and I think I remember it taking 2 yards. But, no promises…as I never write down yardages. Nicole is right…the waist is bias cut. I’m guessing the 1yard if you are using a second fabric is needed to get that waist cut without a seam.

    finishedgarment @finishedgarment

    Great! Thank you for your help.

    Tamara @justsewit

    If you used 3 yards of your fabric, depending on nap and print etc, you could get to use less with pattern positioning. Good luck. Can’t wait to see!

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