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Fabric Requirement Suggestions

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    Hello ladies! I thought I’d share some info in case you’re ordering fabrics online.

    I am making the 2T Sandbox pants for my daughter right now and I am able to get away with 1/2 yd of 58-60″ cloth. That includes me also cutting out the waistband in my main fabric. I used less than 1/2 yd of a scrap for my coordinating pieces (including the waistband again, since I’ve used the coordinating fabric on the inside). I didn’t add length to these pants, but there was room to add about 2 inches if necessary.

    I am also making the 2T Hopscotch tops to go with these pants. For these I am also able to use just 1/2 yd of the City Weekend knit (I always wash/dry twice). I bought 1 yd of the dots and have (so far) gotten 1 complete Hopscotch top, 1 dress neck binding, and 3 coordinating pieces for another top from it. There’s still more! I joked last night that it will never end! I’m contemplating putting together a scarf for my Niblet now. 🙂

    If anyone else has fabric suggestions, I’d love to hear them! I would (most times) much rather purchase just what’s necessary.

    Kim @kmac0107

    Is it possible to make the size 2 Nature walk pants out of 1/2 yard City Weekend interlock too? I can order more of the different colors if it works.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Unfortunately not. The legs are too long to fit correctly. However, I have considered making ‘night pants’ for my daughter out of the pattern because of this. It would help me use up an usual sized scrap.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I was able to cut a size 12 Hopscotch top and a small Sailboat top out of a yard of C W knit, but I DID NOT match pattern repeat and I had to jiggle it!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    This is such a helpful and timely post for me! I am just about to order some City weekend to make 2T hopscotch tops! thanks for the tips!

    Kim @kmac0107

    How much of the City Weekend interlock does it take to make the size 2 sailboat top? The pattern calls for 1 1/4 yards, will it take less? I am also trying to purchase just what is necessary. My plan was 3 Hopscotch tops in the large prints 1/2 yard each and 3 nature walk pants from the coordinating small prints 3/4 yard each, But I have to order 1 yard for each of the pants then I will have 1/4 yard left over from all three pants. So I thought maybe there is someway to order more pant fabric to make some sailboat tops too without any waste.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I cannot give you a definitive answer , my suggestion is to lay out you pieces and measure around them and see how much area they take up. Just remember, the knit has a several inch band of white down one side and these are all just approximate guides, if you want to be safe , always follow the pattern fabric recommendation.

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