Oliver + S

Enough pig's ears to make a casserole…

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    Linda @Knitting1

    I have just spent a frustrating time working out why the waistband was twice the length of my puppet show shorts. I dug out the original pattern piece because I had been too slapdash and confident to cut notches and thought that must be something to do with it. Then I read the pattern instructions for the umpteenth time. Then I checked these forums. Then I swore a bit (well, a lot actually) and made a cup of tea – you can probably tell I’m British. Tea didn’t fix it though. I stuck ten million pins in thinking that might take up the slack (a slack twelve inches- some hope!). Took it all off and cursed a bit more. Took out the pattern piece-again- and suddenly it all became clear. Yes, I had been a dope. I had cut TWO of the waistband so by the time I sewed them together I had an enormous waistband to fit on to a tiny pair of size 2T shorts. Sigh. Now I have to unpick it all again because in the interval between the swearing and making of tea, I was suddenly convinced that if I just sewed it on it would somehow miraculously fit. Yeah, I know…

    Linda @Knitting1

    After all that I think the damned things are too small…

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Oh no!! How aggravating. If tea didn’t fix it I’d step it up a notch with a glass of wine ;-).

    If we didn’t live on opposite sides of the globe, I’d sew something bigger and swap with you!

    Linda @Knitting1

    Hmm, me again. Not got much material left so may not be able to make another pair. Do you think it would work if I inserted a triangular piece in the back seam and back of the shorts? More botching, I know, but can’t think what else to do. Maybe I’ll make a hat instead…

    Linda @Knitting1

    Hi vothgirl! Thanks for the commiseration.. Sadly I have developed a strong intolerance to alcohol in any form and haven’t had any for near!y a year now. And believe me, a glass of red wine would go down a storm right now!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    could you put up a picture of it?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I did something similar with the Swing Set straps. I convinced myself I needed two, you don’t, its one and you cut it in half……

    I use cloth nappies so I did have to size up a bit on the Puppet Show bloomers (I have a tute for those too Linda) the bonus is, once in knickers, the baby size fit Tildy again.


    Nicole @motherof5

    PS Patricia, I will take you up on the wine in 4 months!

    With lots and lots of Brie……

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    That’s very frustrating! I just did something similar with some sunny days shorts.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Nicole, you’re right on – I’m so enjoying the occasional small glass now that Olivia is born. White wine atm since I won’t drink a whole bottle by myself and that’s what my MIL prefers – but next week my mum flies out so I’ll break out the red! … it’s so nice living in California wine country! 😉 … the Brie sounds fantastic too. I bought some recently to try making a Brie grilled cheese sandwich/panini I saw on Pinterest…such a dangerous place, Pinterest is! My boards are mostly food and sewing projects I’ll likely never get around to 😛

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