Oliver + S

does a 2 year old need pockets?

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    meleliza @meleliza

    I’ve been skipping pockets on baby dresses, but am about to start a 2T one and can’t quite remember if they figured out pockets by age 2.

    icicle @icicle

    omg, yes!

    … and by three, no pockets can become deal breakers on mama made clothes. It’s a slippery slope 😉

    meleliza @meleliza

    I really think it took my boys till 3 or 4 to figure out how to use pockets, but girls are quicker. 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    My two year old girl likes it if I put a little toy in her pockets, but she doesn’t yet have a habit of using them herself. I tend to include in-seam pockets but leave off patch pockets, for a cleaner look.

    rastis @rastis

    my little boy has been obsessed with pockets since he was 1! he always has toy cars, or rocks, or something hidden in his pockets… he gets most upset if there are no pockets (or small pockets) on his pants

    meleliza @meleliza

    right – pockets it is!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I like A pocket for a hanky but I wish I had left the pockets off my daughters JumpRope School dresses.

    I swear she is stealing the school sandpit a pocket full at a time.

    It is like The Great Escape in reverse!

    rastis @rastis

    ha speaking of hankies…. i sent my son to preschool a couple of weeks ago with a hanky in his pocket (i love to have a pocket for hankies as well!) and none of the other children there knew what it was… he had to show them all his hanky… sadly it was such a novelty the hanky got lost and didn’t come home!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    My grandfather always had a hanky and I loved that my husband carried one when I met him. He still does and now our daughter loves to have one with her too.

    To the question: YES to pockets. My little girls LOVES to stuff acorns, rocks, berries, toys, you name it into the pockets. Loves them.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    The Great Escape in reverse!!!

    I forgot about hankies — I make them for my husband and so of course my daughter wants them too. They’re just incredibly cute sized down for her.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I used the pockets and placement from my playdate dress pattern. They’re just in seam ones, but these tiny pockets just kill me!

    Emily @Emily

    I definitely vote “yes” for pockets, if only because they make mothering so much more interesting. It sounds terribly saccharine to say, but seeing what my daughter puts in her pockets provides a unique view into what’s going on inside her head, and what she thinks is important, and what she wants to keep with her. I’m usually surprised, occasionally disgusted, often amused, but ALWAYS glad that I get to see what her special treasures are.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Not saccharine at all, it’s a lovely observation.

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