Do you have a blog?
13 years ago LINK
Sarvi @Sarvi
I’ve been having a lot of fun reading people’s blogs and getting to know you all, but it’s been sort of a haphazard process. Usually somebody will include a link to their blog as a caption for a project photo on flickr. Do you have a mom blog or craft blog?
13 years ago LINKLoralee @Loralee
Great topic, Sarvi! I don’t have a blog (or even pictures up on my flickr yet! LOL) but I do love to pop around and visit all the other very talented bloggers. I have my favorites but will let them post. 😉 Look forward to discovering some new favorites.
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
After thinking about it for a long time, I just launched a blog this year. I’ve been sharing some boy projects for the past few weeks, but there are some Oliver + S patterns coming soon. You’re welcome to visit at
13 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
I have a blog and I’ve been rather ok about updating lately.You’ll find it either by clicking my user name next to a post I make or here:
It’s a mix of sewing, movies and at the moment I think some Doctor Who squee will find its way there as well. (We’ve never seen it before and are watching our way through Doctor Who and Torchwood at the moment (in air date order by a friend’s recommendation) – I have a serious David Tennant crush going. There’s just something about Scotsmen I find strangely irresistible.)
I apologise about that in advance 😉
13 years ago LINKE1izabeth @E1izabeth
I have a very new blog (just a month old) that will be mostly about sewing but I expect there will be some mommy stuff there as well.
I posted a free pattern that you can download for a simple baby bib that I drafted myself.
Meleliza – I love the sweaters that you did for your boys. So beautiful.
Lattemama – You are so talented! I am just learning to draft patterns and I’ve never had the nerve to attempt to grade to a different size. In fact I’ve gone so far as to draft from scratch rather than grade. Probably silly but for some reason it intimidates me.
13 years ago LINKbeachmom @beachmom
Mine’s a craft blog with a little bit of life/motherhood thrown in. Way back when I had a personal blog but that kind of went by the wayside when I started the craft blog. I like having a record of all the projects I’ve been working on. It’s kind of fun for me to look back and see how much my sewing has improved.
I enjoy reading blogs and often 5-10 minutes of computer time turns into 45 minutes when I find a fun blog to read. I’m looking forward to checking out y’all’s blogs!
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Lattemama, never apologize for a crush on David Tennant!
I’m excited that so many folks have blogs, I will add you all to my reader. For folks who are new to following blogs, I recommend using something like Google Reader — it’s great because it collects all the new posts in one spot, so it saves you checking back to see if somebody has posted recently.
13 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Sarvi: Well, what do you know? A fellow fan. I feel like I’m so late to the start other people crushing on him would have already been done crushing and moved on. Glad to hear I’m not alone. What about you – don’t you have a blog?
I have added all your blogs to my reader as well. I love finding new blogs and see what other people make.
E1izabeth: What a nice thing to say, thank you. My aunt is a tailor and she showed me how to grade patterns the easy way. I’m not sure if it works every time, but it did this time. I might do a blog on it some day cause it’s really easy.
13 years ago LINKLoralee @Loralee
E1izabeth! You made the matryoshkas designed by April from Sew to Speak. 🙂 Very nice person and wonderful store which I frequent quite often. Makes it seem like a small world. 😉
13 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
Ok, I confess – I too have a blog:
I started it about 5 months ago but haven’t really told anyone ( a few of you have already found me) – it’s a mixed bag of a blog but you are all welcome to read it! (or not!! Please don’t feel you have to!). I’m trying hard to keep it updated at the moment – February was slow, but March is going ok!
I do love reading others’ blogs, and already follow Lotta’s.
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Lattemama, you’re going to love Blackpool! I wish that show was still running. I do have a blog, but I’m still working out the kinks on the privacy controls. I miss Vox, which was a nice platform for connecting with other parents, sharing video, etc. I find it’s harder for me to keep motivated about updating when I don’t see all my friends’ updates right there on a side panel of my own blog.
13 years ago LINKRebecca W @craftalittle
I have a blog too and I am kind of hit or miss on updating these days…
I am excited to check out everyone’s- i am always looking to see who has one on here!
13 years ago LINKshasta @shasta
Great idea to share our blogs! Mine is mostly about sewing but also a little bit about our life in China and other things. I’m also a bit hit or miss about updating it. Can’t wait to check out all of your blogs!
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Sarvi & Elizabeth – thank you for your nice comments! I’m glad you liked the sweaters. I do less knitting these days, but I always have something on my needles. I will likely be focusing on sewing, with little bits of knitting, cooking and crafting. I’ve just acquired some professional photos of my spring Ice Cream dresses and will have more of a project from Little Things coming! I suppose most of my sewing will be Oliver + S.
13 years ago LINKE1izabeth @E1izabeth
Loralee – The picture of the matroyshkas on my blog is actually the photo posted to flickr by April. I haven’t finished my dolls up yet. I am jealous – you actually get to go to her store! I just have to make due with the internet.
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