Oliver + S

Digital Patterns– Printing costs for the 71" x 36"?

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    purlknitpurl @purlknitpurl

    Hi there, I just went to Staples to have the last page printed out. This is my first experience using a digital pattern, in this case , for the School Days Coat. It cost almost $11.00 for them to print out the last page (the large diagram). I live in Boston. Just curious if others also incurred such a cost for printing the last page? Thanks!

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    I went to a local shop that isn’t a chain and it was $3/ sheet, I don’t think it was 71″ though. Can you call and price shop? Maybe try the “Mom + Pop” shops?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I (cough cough,my son)printed mine at home and it wasn’t hard.

    The pattern fits together neatly in sections,not a great long piece.

    Is that a cheaper option?

    rachel @rachel

    I always print them on my home computer. i don’t mind taping them together at all. i only cut the edge where the two pieces meet (and i only cut one of the pieces, because you can overlap the cut piece over the uncut one). I don’t cut out each piece of paper along the grid.

    i love doing it this way because i don’t have to trace out the pattern which saves me lots of time. i also don’t have to spend any money on swedish tracing paper or on shipping. and the pdfs are instant gratification – i can print just before i want to sew it. to me, it’s a win-win all around.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I paid about $8 at my local Staples for a 36 x 48. $11 doesn’t sound that far off. Staples is definitely the more expensive option, the shop that does architectural prints is about $3-4 cheaper, but Staples is only 5 minutes away.

    purlknitpurl @purlknitpurl

    Thanks as always, everyone, for your replies! Sounds like that last sheet’s dimensions differ depending on the pattern (which makes sense!). . .

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