Oliver + S

Cutting diagram?

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    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    I just made a pair of pj pants and accidently cut one of the legs wrong. I looked and looked for the cutting layout and couldn’t find it. Any tips on where that layout diagram is?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Is it on the paper patten sheet?

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    If it is, I don’t know where. I checked the envelope and both instruction sheets. I could swear I saw one when I made the first pair a few months ago.

    Liesl Gibson

    The cutting layouts are on the same sheet with the pattern pieces for all our printed patterns. Digital patterns have a separate sheet with cutting layouts.

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Ah! Ok, I knew I’d seen it. I had already traced the pattern pieces so I didn’t get out the pattern piece paper this time. Guess I need to do that for the next pair. Thanks for the response.

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