Oliver + S

Cute things kids say or do

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    nanasews @nanasews

    My grandson Miles at 5:

    Miles: How do the animals get to earth?
    Mom: God makes them.
    Miles: Do their legs break?
    Mom: No. What do you mean?
    Miles: Well…when they fall so far from the sky why don’t they get hurt?

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Ha! Cute!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tildy (5) wanted her her in a ‘chickacheater’ this morning.
    I am pretty good at kiddy speak but this one had me stumped.

    Turns out her older sisters are doing a dance to ‘Mickey’ by Toni Basil for presentation night and they had been watching the clip on you-tube.

    For those who are interested, a ‘chickacheater’ is a ponytail worn up high on the head like a *cheer leader*.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Last night my nearly 2.5yo shadow was ‘helping’ with some chores. She got very animated, asking ‘Me put the sugar in the washyvision Mummy?’. It took her running away and returning with her beloved Frozen pants to understand that she wanted to put the powder in the washing machine to wash them. I love washyvision.

    Nicole @motherof5

    That is soooo cute!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Love it @dubhels2003 Front loader I presume?

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Isn’t it amazing when they are too young to have their language in a box and they circumlocute. Think about it… washyvision is PERFECT for what she sees!

    It reminds me of a conversation I just had with Gigi.

    We were discussing her hair cut and she wanted a pixie. She’s 5 and had 3 hair cuts and not because she has flowing locks but rather because she has little and very slow growing hair. I was very very hesitant and explained that once we cut it, it would be years before it was long again.*YEARS*

    She told me that was ok. She told me not to worry because she could be Elsa anytime, all she needed was a hair disguise to put on her head like a hat.

    I said hair disguise? She pointed to her head and made a motion like putting on a hat, and said, “yeah. You know a disguise for my head with a long white braid.”

    I said… oh you mean wig!

    Ps… we settled on an inverted bob and a week later she’s still asking for it shorter. Maybe over the summer.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    It is indeed a front loader. I love the approach of saying what you see, it’s completely beguiling. Well, it is until she says something really embarrassing in public, then I won’t like it quite so much!

    I am thinking that next time she asks ‘Me watch Peppa Pig on the television?’ I might wilfully mishear it as ‘Me wash Peppa Pig in the washyvision?’.

    Washyvision is going to make me chuckle all day.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Aww, washyvision is so adorable!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    We’re about to go to the fabric store to get some lining for the roller skate dress. Chris just said to Audrey:
    “Are you ready to go out? We’re going to Hancock’s.”

    And Audrey’s reply: “I don’t like to go to Hancock’s, how about I stay here instead?”

    Oh dear. My three year old wants to stay home by herself!

    Masha Richart

    Washyvision – brilliant!

    We were talking about the less fortunate – my daughter (4 and 5) were asking whether there were people who didn’t have beds, etc. My 4-year-old thought for awhile and then asked whether their aunt was poor. Her reasoning was that auntie must be poor as she lives in a very small basement apartment (with an exorbitant rent as it is in the middle of an expensive city) and her bedroom is barely large enough to fit her bed. Also they have never seen any food in her kitchen. I had to laugh.

    Darcy Struble @darcyjane

    These are so cute!

    I have a sewing one 🙂 I usually finish up sewing at night and then put the new garments outside her door and one morning she woke up and found them just outside her door and said “Mommy, the monsters made me clothes!”

    That one cracked me up. It has now changed from monsters making it, to mermaids, to daddy. Oh well! One day I’ll get credit 😉

    Nicole @motherof5

    Monsters, (snort) oh dear. 🙂

    Mel @Mel

    definitely not scary monsters then if they leave new clothes!

    The other day my seven year old kissed her daddy on the top of the head and said:
    “I’m going to kiss you on the top of your head every day when you are bald!”

    For the record my husband has a full head of thick hair! (and so does his father who is almost 70!)

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    My four year old was helping me hang washing and was naming things as she passed them to me:
    “your undies mummy,
    My brother’s sock,
    Daddy’s nose blow thing,

    Laundry names seem to be a sticky point as she once asked me, very loudly, in the swimming pool change rooms:
    “where you get that booby holder from, mummy?”

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