Oliver + S

Colors Across Seasons

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    Wondering what others had to say about color choices for cool seasons. As I’m partial to earth tones in every season I’m finding it difficult to make real decisions about gifts for expectant girlfriends. I do branch out more now that I have a little girl, but still wonder if I’m just lost to what’s fashionably PC. 😉

    For instance, I made this Tea Party dress with intentions for a girlfriend due in November. I’m in the US and now wonder if I should rather give it to my girlfriend due in August, as the colors are a bit loud? I hate to subject everyone else to my color preferences, but also don’t want to seem silly when giving gifts. Thanks!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    That dress is very pretty and will doubtless be a welcome splash of color in winter. You can’t always tell what a person It’s wonderful that your gift reflects your aesthetic; if it was strictly about giving people what they want, it would be most efficient to just give them cash and let them choose their own gifts. Your dress looks great to me for either season. The only time I would adhere more to a traditional color scheme is for something themed, like pastels for easter, orange and black for halloween, or similar — but at that point those clothes are more or less costumes.

    Anonymous @

    Well, personally I would love to receive a dress in these colors for fall/winter. It would be perfect with black or gold tights and turtleneck. So cute!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oops, looks like the baby’s quick fingers deleted part of a sentence. That should read:

    “You can’t always tell what a person will like as a gift by looking at what they buy for themselves.”

    Nicole @motherof5

    It is tricky, and if you ask them to choose colours and fabrics, that is not always successful ( Have a look at my eye popping Icecream dress !)

    You are the one sewing it, if you like what you are sewing , you will enjoy it more. I have a canny girlfriend who refuses to give me any suggestions and loves everything that I sew, guess who gets the most outfits ?

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Hehe, Nicole, I love that ‘loud’ Ice Cream dress you made!

    I presented this question to Husband as well. He said this: “You can count on K and J to, by their nature, love your hand made gifts. (each crafts; one for hobby, the other professionally) As for A, well, gift what you’ve enjoyed making for her and if she’s not keen you know you can take her out of the rotation for more homemade goodies.”

    I think you all have it right. I’ll go with my gut and see how things shake out. Thanks ladies!

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