Oliver + S

Cape Ann- so excited!!

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    onehappymamma @onehappymamma

    Anyone else anxiously awaiting an announcement of availability? I have been saving fabric money since it was introduced at Spring Market!!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m excited too! Such gorgeous prints and I have got so many ideas, my head is just buzzing!

    Todd Gibson

    The line starts shipping from Moda on Oct. 18 and should be in stores shortly thereafter. We’ll have more on the blog as the date approaches.

    onehappymamma @onehappymamma

    Thanks Todd! I’m marking my calendar!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I was lucky enough to pick up a charm pack on Ebay. It is indeed very pretty. I purchased the complete collection of City Weekend and I did buy some of the Modern Workshop,mainly the dots and small florals.

    I think Cape Ann will be hard to resist!

    Loralee @Loralee

    Is there any interlock fabric in this line? I looked quickly but did not see one. I’m gaga over knits now. LOL I get hooked and then they’re hard to find. Liesl’s are just so lovely!

    meleliza @meleliza

    There are several floral prints in this I’m really drawn too and I think the dots and stripes are very nicely done.

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