Oliver + S

Bloomer legs not matching?!

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    sayiamyou @maraya

    So I’ve double checked my pattern size and cut piece, but still don’t know what I’m obviously missing. When I put the bloomer pieces one inside the other, RST, to sew the crotch seam the pieces aren’t lining up. I have a short piece that I’m trying to sew to a long piece. Make sense? Do I need to attach a picture?

    I have made shorts for my daughter numerous times before. I have no idea what’s going on with my brain right now, but it’s driving me nuts!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Well, after much head scratching, a bad word tossed about, and subsequent smacks on the forehead I think I’ve realized I forgot to put the pocket on the mirror image of the first leg piece. Will get back home and investigate…

    Sometimes don’t you just hate yourself?!

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    no no! don’t berate yourself! congratulations are due because you have stuck with it and figured it out. I am trying to remember to praise myself more than slam myself–so instead of saying, “I forgot xyz” I say, “I remembered xyz”. Try it! it is a huge mood improvement 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    No , don’t say that, you are working with a baby …. and still doing night feeds !

    ( My midwife used to say the baby sucked your brain out your boob!)

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Thank you ladies for the encouragement. And yes Nicole, I often feel that she’s sucked all the brains straight out of me!! I was right about the legs and fixed it quickly, but still feel silly. Oh well.

    Now, on to a real question. Can someone please help me understand how to sew the leg trim bias together? This is new to me. I’m trying to follow the instructions for the dress, but I think that’s for stitching 2 pieces together. For the bloomer legs I’m only using one piece, correct? I’m just not understanding how to stitch the single piece RST with a 1/2″ seam. Thanks!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am having a look at the pattern now , I think you join them to make an ‘L’ shape and the press down. I will go and cut a piece and have a go. Try pinning it and see if that works

    No , that is when you are making strips ,

    Nicole @motherof5

    OK , I will post a photo on my flickr page

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